To be an anchor of the truth of the pure reflection of what is in front of one… To allow consciousness to pulse with the blade of pure reflection is to realise pure love stripped to the core of the all that is extraneous to the pure void of unconditional love…. Interesting!!! Unconditional love here pierces to the core of the harmonic order, revealing the endless patterns of right order, of pure law, anchoring the multidimensional nature of the timeless and endless order of the pure darkness that allows all to merge to the depths of the heart of loves loyalty to pure consciousness… The endless order of the sacred geometric/uni-metric/source-metric patterns of ever -evolving connectivity…
Personally this day purely reflects the endless order of truth, a day where the swords are honed, from the heart, to reflect all that is not needed on the journey home to the heart of source, pure love, pure consciousness… the timeless journey home…
To realise that pure love is not a sugar coated acceptance of all that surfaces, but a sword finely honed that strips away all that is not necesary for a beings journey to the heart of consciousness… serving each other by reflecting the unnecessary and feeling the alignment as source connects and mergence of the all is possible and one understands oneself as the other, and connected to all of life… Ah the beauty of this journey…
We are supported today by Solar Dragon guided by the Earth… The capacity to listen and have the ability to respond to the pulses of synchronicity and timing, guided to evolve by sharing and caring for all that receive the blade… nurturing the primal awakening of our connection to pure creation… Realising ourselves as part of the pattern of ever-expanding, awakening…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Solar Star guided by the Seed…. Realising the potential for harmony as we join as independent light beings co-creating a New Time, a new potential… The challenge that strengthens is not to go and nurse the wounds of our egos, but to step forward into the harmonic matrix, and shine ones light in ones place in the pattern of evolution…
The hidden gift of this day is Overtone Night guided by the Monkey… to trust the deeper dreaming of transformation… to trust that all that is reflected today empowers the dreaming of abundance for all being, guided by the childlike inner-sense of our own hearts… The power to dream the dream of pure love and light filled magic….
Blessed be dear ones… be stripped bare, and anchored in the heart of unconditional love… we love you…
Just like to share one of the most wonderful posts around the Mayan Calendar that reflects in reading the first part of it, my own sentiments…
check it out…
blessed be