Ahhh…. So we come to the day of release…. letting go, letting God, surrendering all attachment to the intensity of the mission we have been on, to allow all energy built up to be not ours alone… To sharing the intensity felt fearlessly with others, all that has been realised and manifested is to be passed on… To release all energy held in the nervous system…
To bridge, to share, to allow connections that share the load of whatever energies we have been carrying… Double release, double let go of all attachments to my mission… to let go of my, me, I and surrender into the current that has been created… Emotional release of all attachment…To let go of holding on…
As is said in Native American lore – ‘It’s a Good Day to Die!’
This release is supported by Spectral Skywalker… To allow the expressiveness of energy that needs to be expressed, to release through putting it out there, whatever has been felt, held and grown into a huge ball of energy, is now released into the ethers as pure expression… Releasing all that is and is not of the dreaming we are here for, to clear the energy, to spectralise… to release into the full spectrum, no longer belonging to self…
The challenge that strengthens is Spectral Warrior… To hold fearlessly to letting go…
The hidden gift of this day is Electric Eagle guided by the Storm… Activating the awakening, serving the collective expansion thru feeling the immense amount of energy running through our nervous systems to our pineal gland, to serve the activation of awakening… This release allows the activation of the third eye, which in turn gives the creative mind the capacity to feel and see the movement of energy expanding, expanding, expanding…
So blessed ones, enjoy the pure surrender of this day, and let all land where it will, it is not of your concern, as all gos where it is destined to flow…