Good morning Planetary Kin…

Today we are inspired by our response-abilities, and the expression of those abilities to respond and resonate to what is needed to birth the greater vision, the creation process of birthing the new… We attune to this vision of what it is we are heading for, in order to allow energy to be channeled and felt and inspired… It is the inspiration, the in breath, birthing the feeling of the vision that energises creation…

Today we are supported by White Resonant Mirror, guided by the Dog, in the wavespell of the Human… Our clarity in dealing with our relationships with others, reflecting directly the truth from the heart, is the wisdom that inspires the most awakened responses in others, that inspires others to support the vision, which reflects that each being is an important part to the greater context, the endless geometric order of connectivity of the greater picture… The all encompassing vision of nurturing the awakening of all beings… the perception of the greater picture based in the true alignment of the heart, nurturing all beings is inspired…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Resonant Monkey, guided by the Night, in the wavespell of the Serpent… To survive, we attune to our intuition, and trust its guidance, inspiring the creation of vital energy… In the immediacy of the fight or flight response to survival, our connection to the unconscious dreaming of our mother – abundance for all beings – and our capacity to innocently trust the messages given from there, truly energise and inspire our immediate raw actions, generating positive, life affirming action that connects into the greater dreaming of our part in the play of magic, contributing to the greater vision of humanities evolution on Planet Earth…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Resonant Sun, guided by the Human, in the wavespell of the Wizard… To be inspired by ancient wisdom teachings, that point us back to our connection to the Source that resides within us, connected to the Sun and Galactic Centre, to allow the receptivity to channeling multidimensional realms, as we truly resonate and feel and are inspired by our connection to the Light… Our receptivity to the feel the resonance of the choices made by our elders that inspire us to honour our independance, to inspire sovereignty that is in resonance with knowing ourselves as interdimensional beings connected to Source frequency, inspires and channels a greater vision for the coming times…

Enjoy beloveds our light filled, love filled, connection to the endless order of harmony, co-creating the world we are destined to live in…


2 Responses

  1. Hi Vasumi,

    I recently discovered this blog, and I like it very much. I also love your special oracle image.

    Myself I have a hyves site about the Maya calendar and there also is a daily blog about the energy of that day’s KIN:
    Would you mind if I put this blog of you and the picture in it?
    I will change it daily, so there’s only one copy on my whole site to see.
    Of course I will mention your name and your site.

    Best regards Marij – White Overtone Wizard

    1. Hi Marij… just receiving all the comments… yes please share this far and wide… no copyright here… sharing is caring… blessed be and thankyou and shall check your site..

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