Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So today we realise the brilliance and harmony of our lives thru our full questioning (quest-i-on) of all that does not pulse as pure intelligence… Guided by the wisdom of our past actions, and those of our ancestors to truly question all that does not answer to the natural order of consciousness.. the natural harmonics, the natural beauty.. This allows us to focus fully on our internal wisdom, how we influence fearlessly the choices to create harmony and beauty on our planet… To be guided to influence others with our fearless focus on the mission of joining the dots of the harmonic universe… Realising we are here to create choices that pulse our fearless intelligence towards the harmony of the New Time… Setting the intention to be focused strongly on our missions of carrying on the work of our wise ancestors of uncovering the harmonic matrix and knowing ourselves as solar intelligence…

We are supported today by Blue Solar Night, guided by the Storm, in the wavespell of the Eagle… Pulsed to generate a lot of energy by listening to our intuition that points to creative solutions that encompass the greater picture, that encompass all that is going on in our world… To be guided to pay attention to those pulses of intuition that lead to generating increased pulses of energy that transform stuck energy in order to allow abundance to be shared with many… Realising abundance as freed up energy that can be focused towards the greater picture we are all here for…

Today we are challenged and strengthened by our capacity to surrender to the will of spirit… To realise a deep level of let go to the pulse of spirit that allows us to surrender into the pure truth of the perfect order… To set the intention to let go of everything but the guidance of spirit… that brings us into true alignment with consciousness…

Todays hidden gift is Red Overtone Serpent, guided by the Skywalker, in the wavespell of the Dragon… The power of expanded life force, life force lifted to the stars… The command of that life force to explore the pulses of birth… and to be guided by the desire for connecting with Cosmos… The power of the radiating effect of the Serpents raw instinctual surges, ever expanding in new Birth…

O beloved hearts, we are here pulsing, alive and on this mission fearlessly, reconnecting to the fabric of the New Time…

Blessed be dear hearts



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