Good Morning beloved kin…
Today is a portal day, meaning it is a day when the dimesional doorways are open… Today we are challenged to anchor our free will through putting ourselves out on the road to follow our instincts, allowing us to test our capacity to make wise choices… A great day for exploration of ancient sites wherein wisdom may lie… And if no ancient sites avail themselves, go exploring, follow your gut feelings and see what is revealed… Exploring the extension of the physical plane with yoga, chi kung, anything that stretches us a little further today, challenges us and grounds us… Polarising, stabilising free will…
The support today is White Lunar Worldbridger, guided by the Mirror, in the wavespell of the Serpent (hello Bunny who holds this kin and is reading this)… We are supported today by our capacity to surrender to our bodies and allow them to realign into a perfected form, this will assist to connect with our gut feelings, also a great day for any form of yoga that is working with the body extensively…
Today is challenged by the Blue Lunar Night, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Wind… Anchoring our capacity to receive spirits messages through taking space to introvert and see the bigger picture, challenging us to open to the unseen realms that stabilise our capacity to receive…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow Crystal Star, guided by the Sun, in the wavespell of the Earth… To bring to the community a willingness to co-operate within the harmonic fabric of sharing creativity and a love of harmony that is guided by a knowing of ones unique gifts to the Earth and on the Earth as a sovereign solar being, guided by the light… Sharing sacred geometry with friends..
blessed be dear hearts enjoy the journey…