Today is a day of integrating our capacity to listen, to bring our mind to focus strongly on the most harmonic and creative thoughts of co-creation with the Earth, her nature and her cycles… Modeling what it is to be a co-creator with the harmonic geometries and patterns of the mind as revealed through following Earths synchronicities…

We are supported today by Blue Galactic Eagle, guided by the Storm, in the wavespell of the Star… To integrate pure harmony through the creative mind that is guided by the ideas and visions that catalyse the greatest amount of energy that transforms all disharmony to harmony…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Galactic Wizard, guided by the Mirror, in the wavespell of the Hand… To integrate healing by modeling a timeless receptive mind that can reflect endlessly the perfect truth and alignment of what is real and necessary and what is unreal and unnecessary…

Todays hidden gift is Red Rhythmic Earth, self guided, in the wavespell of the Human… To find balance through listening to the Earth and all her creatures and timings and cycles, that allow us to bring equality and balance to our own physical alignment within the synchronic order of it all, which in turn allows our wisdom to grow, as we honour the Earth, the ancestors – those that came before and whose imprints we carry in our consciousness…

So blessed be dear hearts and let us allow the honouring of the ancestral intelligence to help to point us to the greater potential of harmony that we can all see when we truly listen to what our Earth Mama is telling us… Blessed be…



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