Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the second (Lunar) day of the Eagle wavespell… Today we face the challenge of anchoring our visions, fearlessly looking to the challenges of what it is to materialise those visions… Guided by the creative beauty of the nature to see how to create with her intelligent design, fearlessly beautiful and in harmony with the natural world…
We are supported today by Blue Lunar Night, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Wind… To stabilise spirits dreaming vision, through following our intuition, allowing quiet physical space in order to allow the full visions to channel through, allowing the resources to be envisioned in order to answer the challenge of anchoring into the physical dimension…
Todays challenge that strengthens, is White Lunar Worldbridger, guided by the Mirror, in the wavespell of the Serpent… To surrender all attachment to that that does not benefit our physical lives… A time to release all that is not needed for your survival… In the releasing attachment to that that is not needed, we create space for what is truly needed in order to manifest our visions…
Todays hidden gift is Red Crystal Serpent, guided by the Earth, in the Wizard wavespell… The mind in receptive co-operation with others, that allows the raw and real understanding of what is truly needed for us all to be Galactic Community… to be highly receptive to the raw needs of our Earth and to work together as Planetary and Galactic community to co-operate with the needs of the Earth, which ultimately lead to our own survival…
So beloveds, blessed be and enjoy the mission of anchoring the greater vision for our planet and all her inhabitants, as Galactic citizens…

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