Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the second day of the Star wavespell…
Today we take responsibility for cleansing, clearing and purifying until we get the glitter back in our physical worlds… Our bodies our environments, so that we can respond to the pure flow of beauty, allowing the natural beauty of creativity to pour forth through us…
Today we are supported by White Lunar Dog, guided by the Wind, in the Moon wavespell… To anchor the flow of purity, by breathing deeply into our hearts and connecting with others in love…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Lunar Storm, guided by the Monkey, in the Mirror wavespell… To trust the chaos that ensues once we bring alignment back into our lives… The stage of chaos as we realign into perfect geometric alignment…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow Crystal Human, guided by the Seed, in the Dragon wavespell… To co-operate by responding to the highest potentials set by our ancestors, looking to those seeds of wisdom, they left us, in order to create our communities in these ways, with deep respect to our Mother Earth…
Blessed be dear hearts, Love this day, this flow of beauty…

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