Good Morning planetary kin…
Today is Day 2 of the Tzolkin Spin of the ‘Great Shift’… It is also day 2 of the Dragon wavespell…
Today we respond to bEarthing the new through anchoring deeply into our breath, allowing the breath to open us in deep receptivity… All that comes through us today has the capacity to anchor the new frequencies birthing through us, just as a Mama attunes deeply to the breath in order to open to the birthing process…
Today we are supported by Red Lunar Earth, guided by the Moon, in the Warrior wavespell… To listen to the Earths synchronicitys that reveal flow, purifying fears programmed by the old paradigm… To track our flow by listening to the cycles of our body and environment, the pulse of our blood flow, the flow of our waters… The challenge to anchor our mission of purifying our bodies and environment by attuning to the timing of the tides, guided by the Moon…
Today we are challenged by Yellow Lunar Human, guided by the Seed, in the Monkey wavespell… The challenge of anchoring our capacity to trust the wisdom of our own decisions by looking to the the ancients and the magic of their connection to plant wisdom which can reveal to us the most high potentials for humanity… Grounding the mutual capacity for the plants to influence us and we the plants, grounding pure magic!
Todays hidden gift is Blue Crystal Storm, guided by the Monkey, in the Star wavespell… To create harmony through trusting the transformation that occurs in the planetary mind as we breath the new energies deeply into our bodies deeply anchoring the new into Earth…
So beloveds blessed be this day and remember that today is about polarising energies, the challenge to breath the new into our lives… Get grounded and anchored today for the days that come… Blessed be

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