Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today is the 2nd day of the Worldbridger wavespell of surrender, let go, bridge worlds and network… Today is the challenge to stabilise our capacity to bridge worlds, networking by accomplishing change… All that we accomplish today brings strong transformation, allowing the surrender to catalyse healing…
Todays support is Yellow Lunar Human, guided by the Seed, in the Monkey wavespell… Here we anchor our capacity to push the boundaries through making the wisest choices that focus on creating the highest potential of growth…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Lunar Earth, guided by the Moon, in the Warrior wavespell… To anchor our missions by listening for the flow of synchronicity…
Todays hidden gift is White Crystal Wizard, guided by the Worldbridger, in the Night wavespell… With a hyper-receptive mind to anchor connections with others in order to bring abundance to community…
So beloveds short and sweet today, too much today to anchor in too deeply on this hand day, too many opportunities to open too… blessed be