Today is the 19th day of the Lunar Moon…

Today is the first day of the 13-day Serpent wavespell… Probably the most intense cycle of them all… The cycle where we are faced with what is really necessary in our lives… Where our instinct for survival kicks in… Where we leap before we look into the immediacy of life doing us… Where the capacity for our the serpent energy from our base to rise to our crown, resulting in strong kundalini experiences in the higher octave of this energy..

In this cycle there are 10 GAP days, Galactic Activation Portal days where the dimensional doorways are open, in my experience of the last 16 years, this brings a huge new energy in that has no relation to anything we have experienced before, which puts us into survival mode as we deal with what we have not known before and have no previous experience to base our actions upon… So saying this you are prepared…

We are supported today by our deep receptivity to anchoring new energy… The White Magnetic Wizard, is the penulimate shamanic energy, open and receptive to many dimensions and able to receive those energies and anchor them deep into our mother in a state of timeless enchantment… Meditation is key to activating the kundalini serpent of this 13 day journey we are embarking on…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Magnetic Eagle… The receptive third eye energy that attracts the visions that reveal to the serpent energy where to travel to in this opening, awakening, spiralling day…

The gift of this day is Yellow Cosmic Warrior, guided by the Sun, in the Seed wavespell for those in the know… For those new to this system it simply translates in this moment to being guided by the light to journey to our highest potential fearlessly, with the solar intelligence that quest-i-ons all that is not of the light… This revealing the path from the base chakra to the crown chakra and clearing the neuro pathways for kundalini activation…

So blessed be dear hearts, may we clear as much as possible to allow the free flow of energy from Mother Earth to Father Sky


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