Good morning beloved earth beings…

So today is the 13th and last day of the cycle of the heart and understanding the connectedness of all in unconditional love… Today is White Cosmic Wind, being in the pure presence of unconditional love communicating across the worlds… Allowing spirit to channel thru us as we surrender completely to the messages that choose to travel thru us on the breath of the wind… To surrender completely to being the vessel of spirits love… To dance, sing, write and breathe spirits messages from the cosmos into the heart of all things…

Today is supported by Red Cosmic Earth, to listen and respond instinctively and in right timing to synchronicities that occur… Listening for the sounds of the winds messages that are directed from the heart of source…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Cosmic Human – to choose to be fearless in revealing ones shining presence. As a wise and intelligent human influenced by the actions of our ancestors, whether they be in detriment or exaltation, the wisdom of our choices has been handed down thru the ages, for us to now choose love instead of fear and know ourselves as co-creators of the New Time!

Todays hidden gift is Blue Magnetic Storm… Magnetising energy that generates change, allowing ourselves to attract change willingly in order to transform the old matrix into the New…

So beloveds a divine day to listen for the spirit messages which can reveal the path of the heart, to write, dance and surrender deeply into the bosom of spirits heart messages – deep meditation in preparedness to embark on the journey into the deep subconscious dreaming we are all here for tomorrow, see you in the dreamtime!


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