Good evening planetary kin…

So today started the 13 day cycle of abundance that comes from listening to our in-tuition… Our intuition is connected to the iron crystal core at the centre of Earth Mama… That crystal is said to hold the programme for our planet, which is ‘Abundance for all beings’… As long as there is one person hungry on this planet abundance, we still have work to do, to re-address the paradigm we are inhabiting… To enter deeply into the subconscious dreaming and dive deeply into all that is hidden and unseen in order to learn what needs changing… So here we are on Day 1 of this cycle of diving deep and embracing the collective dream of Pacha Mama…

We are supported in this by Yellow Magnetic Warrior… To unify with our mission and fearlessly focus on walking forward, not taking no for an answer as we are never distracted from our path. This energy supports being fully focused on our dreaming, receiving intuitively what it is we are here to focus on…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Magnetic Skywalker… To expand and explore the cosmos, knowing ourselves as pillars bringing the energy of the stars to the Earth to be sent deeply into the iron crystal core to be transformed and then opened to explore yet further again…

Todays hidden gift is White Cosmic Mirror… The perfect reflection of what it is to surrender deeply to spirit and allow truths to be uttered through us as perfected channels…

So beloveds the beginning of a divine 13 days of dreaming in the abundance for all beings… To sleep, perchance to dream, as we head towards the closing of the cycle of Dec 21 and become ever more quiet in order to truly experience the unknown and unknowable of these changing times… Many ask where shall I be, what shall I do, what will happen? The truth is no-one knows and our greatest ally is our capacity to go within and listen for that small voice that emerges from our in-tuition as our Great Mother speaks to us of the dream we are all here for, the dream we have been waiting for eons to make a reality, the dream whose time has almost come!  Sssshhhhh, be still and listen to the small voice, she is whispering to you of divine futures, sparkling beyond our wildest dreams….. AND FOR THIS WE GIVE THANKS!



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