Hi there beloved kin…

So the cycle we have begun in what is my yesterday is the cycle of the Warrior, the cycle of attracting the learning of fearlessly facing our mission, to quest-i-on everything that stands in the way of living the dreaming we are here for… A great time to look at what you are doing and question the validity of whether it is truly your lifes task…

Magnetic Warrior is supported by Blue Magnetic Night… The Dreaming of ‘Abundance for All Beings’ … Attracting from our in-tuition the dreaming that is part of our puzzle here on Planet Earth… This dreaming reveals to us our mission as we look to our lives to see if there is abundance flowing or if we are stagnating, and being able to quest-t-on whether this is in fact the reality of who we are as a facet of Universal Abundance…

The challenge that strengthens is White Magnetic Worldbridger… To attract the capacity to let go, to surrender all, in order to pass from one world into another… Facing the death that gives the opportunity to come into alignment with ourselves as pure consciousness, releasing the identifications that keep us locked in worlds that no longer serve us or the planet…

The hidden gift is Red Cosmic Serpent… Allowing ourselves to awaken to the pure flow of life force that reveals our instinct for survival… Allowing the purifying presence of our most raw energy to reveal to us who we are in our greatest presence of reality…

These energies work as a cosmic timing mechanism that reveals it is time for all to awaken as we head towards the ‘Closing of the Cycle’ on day 12 of this 13 day cycle…This is our last wavespell of this 5,200 year cycle, yet also of… The moment has arrived and it is the last steps that lead us on this strong journey focused on releasing all fears, so that on Day 13 we may celebrate the pure presence of fearlessness in our lives by choosing to align our free will with harmonic matrix… This may be a big cycle folks, be prepared to question everything and let go of all that does not sustain our spiritual survival with Pacha Mama… The New Earth will bEarth…

“The Closing of the Cycle is a cosmic event, a rare passage of the aeon. The aeon is the impossibly immense cycle containing all of the other cycles, and is itself but a fractal of a divine thought moment. The smallest cycle that is closing is the Great Cycle of history, a span of 5,125 years. It is also the conclusion of a 26,000 year cycle — a precession of the zodiac or Platonic (Pleaidian) Great Year. And it is the ending of a cycle of 104,000 years. A lot has happened in that time, not just on our little planet but throughout the solar system and our entire galaxy. We have all been called. We have chosen to be here for this grand finale.”
Living through the Closing of the Cycle –Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

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