Good morning planetary kin…
So today is 260 days since my birthday, representing one galactic spin into my evolutionary learning for this year… I have been putting off writing about today in favour of pure experience, and so now I am ready… I am also aware that today is a big energy, calling for big dedication… My resistance to spirit spelling it out for me in the codes, is the responsibility calling this monkey to surrender to the radiant power of being done in this way, so let’s see what this is…
White Overtone Worldbridger, guided by the Wizard, is the 5th day of the Wind wavespell… Functioning primarily on the spiritual plane, the radiation of time itself as a ripple effect of surrendering all identity, letting go to fall thru the dimensions, doorway after doorway of surrender, allowing receptivity to gravity to anchor deeply into the portals of the Earth… The power of initiation as a receptacle for multidimensional frequencies to channel through and anchor deeply into the Earth, channeling the commands for a New Time as messages direct from Spirit, networking between the worlds…
Today is supported by Red Overtone Skywalker, guided by the Dragon, in the Moon wavespell… To explore, expand and respond to the flow of the most pure consciousness within what we call Universal Water… The cosmos birthing the awakening within the purity of our capacity to explore beyond what is known… The power of awakening to the radiating purity inherent in all there is…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Overtone Warrior, guided by the Seed, in the Human wavespell… The courage to focus our free will on the highest potentials we can co-create. Leaving behind fear and walking forward with an awakening spiritual intelligence to meet our ancestors in the ancient future, realising we are the ones we have been waiting for!!!
Todays hidden gift is Blue Solar Eagle, guided by the Monkey, in the Hand wavespell… Realising healing as the pulse created when we trust our creative minds’ capacity to find solutions for all that life deals us, leading us to accomplish the highest and most magical realities that we can envision…
So beloveds after a day like today, and a year like this year, it is time to give thanks for all that is received and for me personally to give so much thanks for the deepening of my connection to spirit, and anchoring of the New Time with these words that pour through me as I read the codes and allow them to pour through this grand experience of ‘Living in the Harmonic Matrix’…
If any would like to give themselves the experience of receiving the codes as they apply to their birth and their year, please contact me as I share in service to the New Time… or check my Sessions page… Exchanges are encouraged…
blessed be
Happy Galactic Return Vasumi!
I enjoy your daily messages 🙂
Love and Blessings,
Thankyou Claire, and I enjoy your blog very much, and just sent another Galactic Mirror to it a couple of days ago… And for any others out there that would like to be wowed by the sychronicities that occur within the harmonic matrix please check Claires blog, it is truly WOW!!! and a wonderful example of how we all are worked in different ways by this wonder of creation… big love to you Claire
I would like to send my gratitude to you for helping me to make greater sense of the new time!
Matt – Blue Planetary Hand
Thankyou Matt. It certainly is a wonderful practice to honour the codes each day for me and allow timing to reveal the unfolding harmonies… music for the soul… blessed be…