Good Morning Planetary Kin,
So today I am sharing the example of what will be on offer for paid subscription of ‘Wavespell Blogs’! Especially once my computer is fixed!
So here goes…

Daniel Mirante
This is the 13 day cycle of the Eagle, denoting the creative minds capacity for long-term Vision… Where our sights are set on the bigger picture, looking to where we are headed… We are supported in this cycle to look forward to our greatest potential and receive some inkling of how to get there! As our vision becomes clearer and more refined, opportunities begin to show themselves by activating our hearts and drawing our focus to those that we can co-create with… We will be challenged by acting too brashly on those opportunities, if we come from a place of fear, rather than a place of surrender to the heart… These energies lay the foundations for this cycle on this first day of the Eagle Wavespell…
Day 2 – Yellow Lunar Warrior… On Day 2 we face the challenge of focusing creatively, from our body intelligence, on what brings the greatest beauty to our Vision… This begins the process of anchoring the lofty vision into the physical plane… Step into nature and test yourself with your capacity to stay focused on the beauty around you… Natures elegance will feed your capacity to create a harmonious Vision… Allowing your mind to instinctively listen to the many dimensions alive in nature, will feed your capacity to create…
Day 3 – Red Electric Earth… Here the Creative Vision becomes activated through listening and responding to timing, navigating of synchronicities and signs that align the greater vision to the service of nurturing the Earth… A great day to honour the medicine of Grandmother Turtle, to slow down and respond in right timing to the messages shared by the many dimensions that inhabit our Great Mother and act as her voice to show us the way, navigating WITH her towards the freedom of living the New Time, in honour and respect of all beings… Re-membering that we have been here a long time, moving fast and not quite on track, so in truly serving evolution, we can learn the patience required to act WITH our mother in bEarthing the cycles of the New…
Day 4 – White SelfExisting Mirror… In order to define the form of our Creative Vision, we use our minds capacity for receptive reflection, as a sword that cuts away all that does not bring clarity to the greater Vision… Initiating a discernment for what brings a sense of order reality to the Vision held… This gifts us with the capacity to trust that all that is needed will manifest from a place of rightness that reflects an alignment with the greatest dreaming…
Day 5 – Blue Overtone Storm… Today radiates the power of change, where energy is building through right alignment and action is encouraged… The power to take command in the midst of chaos, accomplishing with a focus on the powerful purity that has built so far, resulting in spirits messages being gifted in the midst of change… On this day of strong and powerful energy the Vision becomes empowered… All greater vision brings change, and today we are in the first vestiges of understanding what needs to truly transform and heal in order for the greater picture to be manifested…
Day 6 – Yellow Rhythmic Sun… Today we organise our independence, in order to be in balance for the greater picture to occur, without a need to cling to what is known… To bring balance into our lives through our own in-deep-end-dance, shining a light on the places where we are still attached to others doing it for us… Allowing the changes that bring equality into our lives… Coming into the integrity of each raw now moment, that we may respond instinctively to birth anew all that seeks to anchor through us… Nurturing a grounded sense of harmony with our own responsibilities, and our capacity to act in the moment, unburdened by past…
Day 7 – Red Resonant Dragon… Inspired to go out and take on the responsibilities that will allow the greater vision to expand… To align with the people who reflect the heart calling of your Vision, those that are inspired by your capacity to shine your own light independently, just as you reciprocate this gift, and are equally inspired by their choice to shine… Those that are able to respond to the calling of your vision, as it is in true alignment with theirs….
Day 8 – White Galactic Wind… Integrating the creative vision through communicating with many different people, allowing many different ideas to be aired and heard, without the need to judge or attach to any of them… Supported by listening and responding from a place of non-attached love, releasing any need to be right… In this way energy for change is built and based in equality, as all can feel included in the integrated Vision…
Day 9 – Blue Solar Night… Here the Vision becomes revelation, as the light bulb shines as in-tuition reveals energy rising from the depths of the collective unconscious, bringing with it the dream that has been building from the depths as unconscious motivation… The dream of abundance for all beings that is stored in the crystal core of our Mama Earth… Abundant energy is now available to fuel the vision as that in-tuition begins to pulse a very strong intent… The courage to choose to focus on the most bright and harmonic intention increases the pulse and brings expansion of pure energy… The capacity to let go and let god is empowered as we become receptive to the perfect networks that assist in the radiation and ripple effect with the most refined Vision…
Day 10 – Yellow Planetary Seed… Today is the manifestation of the Vision through choosing to co-create with those that carry the greatest capacity to influence others to follow the dream of abundance for all beings… Together co-creating with a team which chooses to focus on the highest potentials, as perfected by the greatest wisdom keepers, revealing all that has happened in the past, that brings us to this now moment and project us towards the most open future, accessing the greater picture from the depths of our collective unconscious … Breathing deeply into the present moment strengthens this capacity to hold the focus of many, in order to move forward with divine Vision manifest… Gifting a capacity to experience oneself as raw evolution, energised by the creative elegance of the harmony that is manifest…
Day 11 – Red Spectral Serpent… Today all the built up energy of the previous 10 days gets liberated, as we jump into the immediacy of life in the present moment, armed with the Greater Vision of where we have come from, all action at this point must bring freedom to the individual… Releasing all external focus to come deeply into a receptive presence with the life force of now, as it invigorates our own beings… Kundalini rising and dissolving any blockages resulting from trying, allowing energy to freely travel the circuits of our own bodies… Anchoring a fearless dedication to receiving the light, a portal, receptive and open to the new inter-dimensional energies that will serve our most Creative Vision…
Day 12 – White Crystal Worldbridger… Today we surrender any attachment as we see the perfect order of the Vision reflected in the inter-connection of the networks that are coming together… The multi-faceted community that reflects the spread of the Vision into all the right nooks and crannies… Communication is alive and activating as the messages get spread far and wide in ever-expanding ripples of awakened understanding of what it is to share a common unity based on the understandings of the greater picture of where we come from and where we are headed… All questioning reveals a harmonising intelligence that further energises a vision of the greater picture… At this point there is an alchemical shift that polarises our capacity to co-create and accomplish a New Vision, as we face the challenges of bringing that Vision from flight into grounded action… The first challenges to anchoring the reality of this Vision, are fully tested through individuals creating the physical space needed to make the vision real within the physical world…
Day 13 – Blue Cosmic Hand… Here the Greater Vision of the creative mind comes into full presence, as we learn to trust the healing accomplished through knowing the bigger picture… We learn that all cosmic knowledge comes through the creative minds capacity to access the patterns of the universe… As we allow this to happen, we understand ourselves as cosmic creators and creation, and it is simply our capacity to trust this that allows accomplishment of the greatest wisdom to come from the deepest source… That free will is gifted to us in order that we face any fears we have of knowing ourselves as one with the greatest light there is, giving us the courage to listen and respond and honour in our chosen roles of bEarthing the New Time… Again allowing ourselves to be the portals that receive the new frequencies that anchor deeply into our Mother Earth and assist with the healing and ascension of a New Earth, shedding the outer cloak of the old paradigm, as we step forward as children guided by the knowledge that shines brightly and radiantly from our inner-sense…
And so this beloveds completes the 13 day cycle/Wavespell of the Eagle… I suggest you allow yourselves to be guided by this and not so much try to logically understand, but allow this to seep gently in, as the intuitive creative side of you will grasp it in an instant, and the more logical categorising side may seek to find fault and non-compromise, as is its nature… If seeking to plan your days by this cycle, use this as a guide only, as creation itself will have its own unique way of doing you, totally in alignment with the harmonic matrix, and this is but a moments uncovering of an ever-changing harmonic matrix… My hope is that this will serve to assist you to go beyond logic and enter into the world of synchronic alignment with the natural cycles of ever-evolving consciousness…
Should you choose to subscribe each 13 days to these downloads, the capacity to do this ought to be up on my website before the beginning of the next Wavespell – fingers crossed! And for those others I will still be blogging daily on the energies which reveal themselves each day…enter into the world of synchronic alignment with the natural cycles of evolving consciousness…
Blessed be
Awesome how much is subscription vasumi….i would love to know x x x x xI LUV’S YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO XXXX
Hey lovely… subscription is $5 each wavespell once I get it organised how to do this… meanwhile… paypal to if you feel… love ya beauty one on yr beauty path…