Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Happy bEarthday to Maya Yonika…
Today is the 8th day of the cycle of change, and in Mayas case the 8th year of a cycle of change through pushing the boundaries of the acceptable in order to uncover a deep-rooted trust in the magic of our collective surrender and devotion to change…
Today is White Galactic Worldbridger… The 8th day/year is an energy of integrating change, this occurs thru the Worldbridger, to surrender, to allow death as a bridge to the New Mind, the New Time… To surrender the mind, to the heart, as a doorway to the unknown and unknowable, that which has not yet been experienced… It is a day/year where in order to integrate change, we cross the greatest bridge there is, the mind in deep surrender and devotion to the heart… Here we follow all thought back to its origin where nothing exists…..
Today I also honour my greatest teacher, and the one who led me to recognise this divine harmonic Source matrix… Ramana Maharshi, a divine saint, to who I am eternally grateful for this process of pure Bhakti…
‘Many of the world’s religious traditions advocate surrender to God as a means of transcending the individual self. Sri Ramana accepted the validity of such an approach and often said that this method was effective as self-enquiry. Traditionally the path of surrender is associated with dualistic devotional practices, but such activities were of only secondary importance to Sri Ramana. Instead he stressed that true surrender transcended worshipping God in a subject–object relationship since it could only be successfully accomplished when the one who imagined that he was separate from God had ceased to exist. To achieve this goal he recommended two distinct practices:
1. Holding on to the ‘I’-thought until the one who imagines that he is separate from God disappears.
2. Completely surrendering all responsibility for one’s life to God or the Self. For such self-surrender to be effective one must have no will or desire of one’s own and one must be completely free of the idea that there is an individual person who is capable of acting independently of God.’ See Ramana Maharshi…
Pure compassion arises as we witness all that is denied and dis-owned and from a place of non-duality, non-attachment, where pure love guides as to let go… A deep compassionate devotion to living the dream of our planet, of ‘abundance for all beings’, arises… Embrace all that has been denied, ‘loving it to death’, allowing that to be the spring board to harmonise our minds… Now open for the infinite opportunities for surrendering to being catalysts in devotion to real change on our planet…
The support of today is Red Galatic Skywalker… To explore what it is to surrender by expressing the new in the perfect timing that allows messages to be received wholly… To be listening and awakening to when to share for the most impact, in order to initiate the opening of a doorway of infinite unexplored potential…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Galactic Warrior… To hold fearlessly to the illuminated mind that integrates pure fluid consciousness… The mind that models illumined intelligence… The challenge to question all in order to be guided sol-ely by the pure illuminated mind…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Rhythmic Eagle… To organise our physical realities that we may find the balance that allows us to connect beyond the physical dimension… The platform that allows physical vista that encourages connection beyond the physical in order to connect to the web of unconditional love…
So beloveds, here I would love to introduce the work of my dear siStar Maya, a Red Rhythmic Dragon in her 41st cycle around the Sun… Her deep sense of response-ability to the mission of walking fearlessly and questioning, into the depths of our collective and denied experience is holy inspirational… She has just completed her first book, through which I have had the honour of witnessing her dedication to her path, of sharing her experiences through addiction, sex and beyond… Her book ‘No Mud, No Lotus’ is a wonderfully written passionate account, and is one of those ‘can’t put it down’ gripping reads, not always comfortable, yet bound to create great waves in the collective search for right relation to self, other and spirit… Her journey is captivating as she traverses the worlds, of her own journey, through the underworlds of sex, tantra and addiction, arising to a state of balance and integrity within herself, a blossoming lotus… This is her offering… Happy bEarthday dear SiStar… Connect here…
Yep what a wonderful day of deep devotion to surrender and change….