Today is the 4th day of the Monkey cycle of joy… More and more in this cycle I am witnessing how important it is to enter into the depths of our experiences, to keep anchoring deeper and deeper through our perceived realities, embracing compassion for all experience… Accessing the deep and dark womb, where indwells the inclusion and acceptance of all things, where indwells the fount of joy… Beyond perceived outer grievances or desires of the mind to project outside ourselves all that we are afraid to feel and experience from the inside… The offering of this day is to embrace deeper and deeper any perceived pain, releasing attachment to the pain and anchoring even deeper into the most profound and quiet joy…
Pre-dawn a sense of urgency around our responsibilities arises…
From sunrise connecting with others reveals what must be let go of in order to heal…
From noon we join with others to co-create in regards to the responsibilities we each hold…
The gift arrives after sunset with a sense of accomplishing order so that we may have a greater vision for what it is we must do…
So enjoy this day and allow the deep stillness of the mind to allow a receptivity to the fundamental responsibilities which are ours to bring into order, gifting a sense of accomplishment…