Today we can command the flow of purification to seep as far back as we can imagine, that it may become the mighty tide that empowers and nurtures our creations to birth now and in the future…. Today we birth our capacity to flow with synchronicity in our lives, to be listening for the signs that radiate right action…
Predawn the reflections of many worlds and doorways brings us to a timeless space inside, open, receptive to the many dimensions that reflect truths and initiations into the many worlds that we truly inhabit, beyond the physical…
From sunrise the pure power of the Earths vital force is felt, as we flow with deep sensitivity to the blood lines and waters of the Earth as they radiate life… We are drawn to flow with synchronicities that lead to the greatest vitality….

This afternoon empowerment arrives through trusting the magic of change, and the healing this brings to us… As alchemists we may feel the power to transform any situation with a divine innocense radiating a command to push all boundaries that hold us back from our true healing…
This evening solar intelligence brings realisation of what it is to follow our free will in alignment with solar revelation, to make the choices that are built on the actions of our ancestors that allows the pulse of fearless spiritual independence to beckon us forward for the betterment of all beings…
So today we are empowered through flowing with the ancestors, purifying and pushing boundaries in order to uncover the truths of our being, that we may birth anew a new time, a new earth in the coming days with July 25th the Day Out of Time, and the 26th the beginning of the New Year…. Yellow Galactic Seed… to integrate the new… So all the work we now do in honouring who came before us is the springboard with which we fly in our highest potential growth as solar intelligence all together…. Let’s do it…. And remember the greatest transformations are an inside job! Once full and healed all is possible. the alchemist comes alive to birth the new…
Blessed be….
Thanks Vasumi….so beautiful. Now I understand the synchronicity in writing about purification. I am a Red Overtone Dragon. Lovely to receive an in depth look at the energy.
hi Dorothy… Great to hear your comments… and explore your website… i am just about to return to NZ which I am very excited about, to set up home there for awhile… big love to you dear sister…