Good morning dear friends…

Today we organise our physical realities to recieve vision, to view our worlds and see the bigger picture of what is occurring… It is a day for great vista and ample physical space around us, in order to see what is really in our hearts, and even more particularly who is in our hearts…  Perspective brings many gifts, as we look over the pettiness of the every day to give our minds space to fly and allow the message of ‘absence makes the heart grow stronger’… Allowing space for the energy to build, like the pulling back of a rubber band, that then flys true for its target… To have the space to organise for balance and equality of ones physical form, to allow all energies built up to come into balance, to receive solutions for bringing more balance into our physical bodies and realities, in order to BE love…

Predawn change is seeded, as others drift into our dreamscape, sowing seeds of right connection that assists the growth of the new… Planting seeds of focusing on co-creation, assisting to ground a sense of universal family…

This morning, we may feel to have space, to be in places where our eyes can see far, giving us a deep sense of grounding in the physical through witnessing our spatial relationship with all of life, as the spider at the centre of the web, it is important to get perspective today to find balance in our lives…

This afternoon we jump into action mode, as the perspective and centering of the morning, enables us to connect deeply with the Earth and receive full vital force, instinct springs into action… We organise our survival with good life giving nourishment, bringing balance and vitality, as our lights shine direct from a deep inner wellspring of source connection, strengthening our part in the play of cosmic family…

This evening we integrate change with the minds greatest journey of surrender, to the heart… Devotion to the transformation of this time, brings compassion and non-judgement, with each thought being one that seeks to connect and build bridges in the web of love and consciousness…

Blessed be dear hearts, and may you have a glorious balanced day, allowing the weaving of the web of  the harmonic matrix in LOVE…


One Response

  1. Love this Vasumi, I posted a picture of a jewel-like spider’s web with my post for Wellspring acupuncture today and feel very connected and in tune with these themes you are also intuiting…i really feel the weave of the day through the morning, afternoon and evening energies also….in lakech

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