Good morning planetary kin…

So here we are at Day 2 of the Moon Wavespell of purification and flow… The second day of a 13 day cycle always faces the challenge of anchoring the previous days energy, which magnifies the spiritual purpose for the 13 day cycle, into the physical dimension, the challenge to bring a lofty energy down to earth, literally… So today we anchor the capacity to go with the flow and connect with pure consciousness by being guided to breath into our hearts, and be open to connections that occur within the flow of that divine nectar called love…

Predawn harmony is anchored as our mother bloodlines arise into our dreaming to purify, cleanse and give thanks for all that we are, as Creation born through the mother…

This morning we may anchor into the breath deeply to open our receptivity, assisting us to be open to birthing the new time…

This afternoon we stabilise change through choosing physical independence, where we are guided by the wisdom of our own experiences…

This evening we are gifted with the joy of trusting in the abundance that guides our way and is gifted through our great pacha mama…

So beloveds enjoy this day and anchor deeply your connection with beloved soul family anchored in the flow of the divine missions we are here for…

Blessed be


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