Welcome to a a new day, a new wave spell (13-day cycle)… Today begins 13 days of allowing the Wind to channel through us, to become the conduits of pure spirit, where the attachment  of the ‘I’ being in charge is released, as we learn to listen, to the promptings of something beyond the seen… Pure spirit, channeling through like the hollow bamboo… Allowing all that spirit is to flow through our purified vehicles, to use us to communicate, through dance, sound and song, written and spoken word, through the breath, communicating spirits messages in any form we choose to open to…

Today we attract the Wind, Spirit is magnetised through yesterdays deep connection with the pure depths of the mothers womb, space is made for Spirit to enter… And so the journey begins…

Predawn a deep listening to the eras and epochs that we are evolving through enters, attracting to the collective unconscious, a capacity to listen deeply to the signs and synchronicitys that reveal the pathways we to tread with Mother Earth…

Oya - Goddess of Wind and Storm

This morning Spirit is attracted, the first flushes of spring in the southern hemisphere, autumn in the north… Spirit flying in on the wings of the clouds scudding across the sky, encouraging us to take deep breath in preparation to being the conduits for the messages of the divine… Messengers of God/dess…

This afternoon we attract the ancestors, the ancients that will be here to witness the show, to encourage the choiceless choice of aligning our free will with the will of Spirit… Have we learnt yet that this seeming polarity only serves to evolve all to a higher plane of consciousness, where ancestral wisdom and the messages of spirit, align as one divine guidance… Where the ‘I’ of free will becomes so refined as to know itself as one with spirit… These are the musings that shall enter our consciousness in this 13-day cycle…

This evening we may be guided by our intuition to be present for deep currents of  change flowing through our lives, as we align to the unconscious and denied, and are healed by listening deeply to the spell/contract/lore of our planet – ‘ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS’… To be present for all to transform in order for this lore of our planet of divine abundance to be revered, honoured and answered…

So beloveds a divine and beautiful cycle ahead of us, so happy to travel with you…

I would like to honour my dear siStar Kala, as today is the beginning of a new 13-year spin for her… May you journey divinely with spirit, dear one, as consciousness refines even more elegantly your capacity as a pure channel, beautiful messenger of spirit, I look forward to sharing the journey with you… xxx

I also would like honour another dear siStar, Julianne, who also begins a new life today, a life full of spirit and beauty… Blessed be dear siStar, mega happy to share this life with you… xxx



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