And so we begin a new cycle, the cycle of the Eagle… Today we attract the bigger picture, envisioning new horizons with our creative minds…
Pre-dawn we attract a willingness to co-create with others, our collect dreamtime… A capacity to be as the seed, full of the potential of the forest, with the willingness to focus on what it takes to GROW…
This morning, the Eagle flies in revealing the bigger picture… We may have a morning of sitting back, having space and witnessing the greater vista of what is…
This afternoon, we may feel the need for enlivening action, to be as the Serpent instinctively moving from a foundation that seeks a need to give ourselves action that beckons an aliveness and a passion…
This evening we may hold the presence by anchoring a receptive bridge to worlds that are different from our own, embracing all as one heart in unconditional love, devoted to weaving the web of timeless, enchanted inclusion…
So beloveds welcome to the new cycle of Vision, the next grand adventure on plan-it Earth…