Good mornin planetary kin…

Today is the 11th day of both the 13-day Dragon wavespell and the 260-day Tzolkin spin…  It is also the Galactic Signature of Jose Arguelles, our dear brother who departed this physical form after a life time of dedication to bringing these natural harmonic time codes to the people of the Earth… Todays transmission is in honour of his incredible contribution to bringing us out of the disharmonic regime of the old paradigm, and bEarth us into the New Time…

The 11th/Spectral day of a cycle brings us to energy or emotional (energy in motion) release, and is always the exact opposite tribe (glyph, solar seal) from the one that began the cycle… There are 20 tribes, so day 11 carries the polar opposite energy of the energy that began the 13-day cycle… Today we have Monkey, which is the polar opposite of Dragon… The Dragon representing the parent (mother/father), the ability to respond (responsibility) and freeing up this energy of the past 10 days, we have the Monkey, who does this through child-like energy, the innocence that can trust, as the container has been created for the patterns of magic to reveal the perfection of every part of life…

So today we get to let go and trust, letting go control, letting go worry and embracing the joy that comes, as birth has been made manifest, as it did in yesterdays Planetary or Manifestiation tone…. The Monkey has the energy of the dolphin, that joy expressed, that freedom that comes when we are so in the rawness of the divine beauty of nature, that we can surrender and just play with the movement of the natural world…

Pre-dawn our dreams may carry a creative and harmonious nature, a freedom through letting go into beauty and the elegance of the natural order…

This morning we may find emotional release as we learn to open to the joy of trusting, in the knowing we have done all we can… A morning where responsibilities are released in favour of play… Where we can become children and push the boundaries to explore and allow energy to be released, trusting that all is ok…

This afternoon we may find release through nurturing and caring for the child within, or perhaps children will come into our arena that have needs to be met… We may also find ourselves responding to natural joy in a manner that requires a lot of caring…

This evening we may serve the natural order through activating and bonding from a loving and anchored space, merging with others with a highly receptive and timeless openness…

So beloveds a day to free up the seriousness of the past 10 days and trust that all the care and nurturing of the past has now built a freedom, to play with our responsibilities and push the boundaries, in order to explore what is truly necessary to carry forward and what can be released…

Let go and allow the joy to bring the freedom that ensures our responsibilities will be balanced and whole… A day where the actor in us all can play whatever part is needed in order to make light of the responsibility that we have been so seriously engulfed in through the process of birthing the new…

Today I support a workshop held by a dear brother who is a Spectral Monkey on this Spectral Monkey day where he will be assisting women to open and release and trust in the masculine, by his nurturing and caring presence, a perfect day to experience the wonder of this magical signature… Blessed be…


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