I Polarize in order to Create

Stabilizing Mind

I seal the Output of Vision

With the Lunar tone of Challenge

I am Guided by the Power of Accomplishment

Good morning planetary kin…

Today is the 2nd day of the Wizard wavespell… Today we face the challenge of anchoring our receptive state into the physical dimension… The codes reveal that we do this through having the space to have great vista, to see far, in order to receive and  anchor down and in all that we see, to become the portal that is timeless and connected and guided by the healing power of our hands, to work all we see into healing… A great day to lay our hands on others bodies, or our own and be receptive by calling in vision that allows healing to be accomplished… To truly witness all that needs healing, for through simply seeing, healing occurs…

Predawn plans are seeded into our dreaming to focus and co-create with others the gardens of eden we would all like to see on our planet… These ‘gardens’ are not limited to just the earth gardens we would love to see, but also the ‘gardens’ of soul, community and bringing healing to the collective unconscious conditioning that keeps us in unhealthy patterns… Indeed to bear witness to these patterns, as we face our fears of stepping outside of the box and courageously focus on the higher potentials we are all here for…

This morning we may accomplish a lot through surrendering to the moment and bridging with many worlds we have not met before… Connecting with others from vastly different countries, ways of seeing, feeling and thinking and building bridges that heal and are catalysts for great change in our realities, as we seek to connect and weave the webs of connectivity that reveal to us we are planetary people, widening our perceptives and places of understanding…

This afternoon we may get raw and want to connect deeply with our instincts, immersing deeply in the present moment, as synchronicity guides us to connect to our base life force and enliven our sensuality, connecting to our own vitality and sexual essence in these divine bodies that are gifted to us for pleasure in this life time…

This evening gathering and connecting with others from different worlds, reflects truths that allow us to co-operate, by letting go of rigid points of view, and opening to weaving more open ways of thinking and seeing reality…


So beloveds a wonderful day to anchor a greater vision that reveals where we can surrender rigidity and allow healing to enter into our lives, that we may become more open and receptive to life… Sending love and healing to you on this day…

And today envision a Rainbow Bridge encircling our planet bringing healing and alignment into the natural harmonics that underlie all of consciousness, with the millions of others that will be focusing on this today, and keep an eye out for Rainbows… We are transforming this world, one Moon at a time, Rainbow are becoming increasingly more divine as we witness the divine healing of embracing all the colours of the Rainbow!




3 Responses

  1. beautifully presented and fabulously laid out … I awoke this morning in pain .. and like a ‘stunned mullet’ lay on my bed for an hour completely letting go of ALL .. it was challenging but came out of it with a lot of vital energy … surrendering is endlessly calling me …. it brings space .. thank you …

  2. Feeling a little heavy headed today and a bit lost in my busy mundane life, but your words of colour, love and healing have reminded me of the beauty of this world and those in it, if we just take a moment to appreciate it. Thanks!

  3. Thank you so much for this beautiful entry. The message went deep and touched my heart and brought tears of joy to my eyes. Much love and gratitude my Kin! In Lak’ech!

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