Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So 4 days off the transmissions, I am being called to return and share of the last days of this Wizard wavespell of receptive anchoring… Today works us primarily on the mental plane, the highest level of mind, the minds capacity to operate with other mind, in co-operation… This energy has been distorted in the old paradigm into competition, as greed has assaulted our minds primal capacity to reach for survival, by joining with others, in perfect timing… And this is what today gifts us, the raw instinctive mind guided to listen for the most opportune timing and synchronicity that reveals how to immerse in the co-operative act of survival…

This is supported by surrendering greed and any sense of lack, to be open and receptive to the opportunities that avail themselves in perfect timing… A more feminine approach that ensures a deepening of the witness and a surety around what is ours and what is not…

This morning we are guided to flow with pure consciousness beyond the confines of the prevailing paradigm to co-operate with the synchronicities that are brought to us… Supporting community through being in the right place, flowing within the right timing…

This afternoon we may receive the greater vision of what we are doing here, guiding us to heal all that is not of the highest potential, that we may accomplish that greater vision and work together for brighter futures, for our children’s children’s children…

This evening we may be challenged to anchor the greater vision, through holding to the beauty and harmony that we can fearlessly create… The greater vision gives us a lens through which we can become warriors of beauty, protecting the nature as much as we are guided by it…

So beloveds another beautiful day and here in NZ the sun is hot and the days are purely divine as we merge into summer… BLESSED BE AND WE GIVE THANKS…


4 Responses

    1. Thankyou Suni… was considering letting it go, so you are very intuitive… and today I came back in again… so will share again tomorrow
      big love… xxx

  1. I am feeling blessed that you chose to grace us with your presence again today, although i am learning to witness the energies myself, your reading today makes so much sense for me with this White Wizard, so i thank you! Please don’t give it in! Xxx Gratitude and Love xxx

    1. Hi Crystal…
      Always happy to hear revelations of others concerning the days also, as each piece is so potent in the overall picture we are co-creating in life… thank you for your comment…
      bless Vasumi

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