Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So we are at the 13th and last day of the Wizard wavespell of receptivity and anchoring our chalice of receptivity… Today the presence of this is experienced through surrendering fully to unconditional love, to knowing that all is interconnected in a cosmic web that avails us opportunities to open doorways and enter initiations, that gifts greater sensitivity to the love that is available in our lives continually…

This is supported today by going beyond the confines of the old order and exploring the cosmos, expanding our consciousness and tracking the signs that reveal expanded cycles of birth, death and rebirth ad infinitum… From the deeper earth to the farthest reaches of cosmic consciousness… Let go the mind and allow your consciousness to explore, expand and awaken, all in perfect timing with the signs and synchronicities that reveal the path to explore…

This morning the truth of the connectedness of all, in the spirit of love as the glue, is strongly present… As we connect with those on other parts of the planet and feel the deep love that is there unbound by physical reality… Receiving energies that align and reveal the timeless enchantment of endless possibilities to love unconditionally…

This afternoon we may be drawn to quest-i-on the very nature of consciousness and our place within it, as we strip away unreality to be guided to source light.. Oneself as a ball of light that is a co-creative aspect of consciousness, forever on the mission of growing into fuller potential…

So blessed be dear ones, may the love light shine today and bridge worlds, bringing opportunities for expanded heart receptivity…


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