G’day folks…

So today is the 3rd day of the Hand wavespell of healing and accomplishment.

Today this energy is activated by expressing emotion and expanding into the flow of life… Purify, swim, flow and allow your sensitivity to expand… FEEL everything… To FEEL is to HEAL… To feel and bare witness and allow the feeling to expand and awaken rather than close and contract… This is the key to healing…

We are supported today by anchoring into our hearts and becoming receptive to creating bonds that activate harmony and beauty in our lives…

This morning we may find ourselves emotionally expressive, as we push the boundaries and learn to trust how energy in motion (emotion) is the fire that activates magic and joy and serves to heal…

This afternoon we are guided by our in-tuition, to allow the transformation of energy, rising from deep within the subconscious, as we evolve forward and allow the chaos of the unknown…

This evening we find release through choosing to let go of old patterns that have been handed down through time, flowing to us from our bloodlines, as your willingness today to feel and heal brings liberation to many generations, gifting freedom of choice as we allow ourselves to follow spirits path…

So beloveds day of healing, feeling and activation… Blessed be


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