Good Morning beloveds…

Today is the 9th day of the Hand wavespell of Healing and Accomplishment… Today healing is realised as we witness, seeing the bigger picture  and trusting… We are guided to trust that all that is necessary to be accomplished will be… Today we are able to see further than we have before… The inner child is activated with our imaginations, the creative mind that sees a vision of what is possible and chooses to trust and call in the magic to make it all possible… So we see it, so it shall become, let us envision pure magic, by activating our child-like imagination that knows that all is possible…

Today is supported by realising that every accomplishment takes focus and co-creation, with a capacity to set our sights high, fearlessly facing the next step of whatever is required for us to step into our sovereignty, our capacity to be guided by the light of the Sun… Just as plants are guided by the Suns light to grow into their full potential, so too today, we are guided by Source to reach for the light that brings us all home to our highest potentials…

This morning we are asked to trust the healing that arises, pulsing from the deep unconscious, as we push our own boundaries and trust our intuition and actions…

This afternoon we immerse fully in the raw moment, responding to synchronicity that reveals the path… We may be pulsed to listen and realise that evolution occurs as we slow down and listen for our instinctive response to pulse through us from outer stimuli…

This evening we are empowered to surrender and receive spirit… Anchoring an openness that allows doorways of opportunity to open, radiating connection through messages that build bridges not only for ourselves, but also for others…

So beloveds another divine day on Planet Earth… Blessed be…



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