935868_10153053951860417_689750221_nDear Planetary Kin…

Today is the 13th and last day of the healing Hand wavespell… Today healing is in a pure of state presence as we allow deep transformation of all that lies in the subconscious…. Becoming catalysts as the energy that has been hidden arises to transform ourselves and the lives of those around us… Our in-tuition kicks in and guides us in the healing of the collective consciousness…

Today is supported by Kin 260 – Yellow Cosmic Sun – the pure presence of light as we comprehend the harmonic matrix as the underlying foundation of all of life… Feeling the presence of this supports us to trust in life, as we release all attachment to control and fall back into the divine design which is there to illuminate our beings completely, as a part of the weave of the co-creative web of harmony…

This morning we trust the healing that occurs as we intuit the divine design and allow the subconscious to transform and heal, revealing the capacity to accomplish our dreams as part of the magic of the divine design… We recognise anything that limits us and as we see it, so is it healed… To witness and trust the process of change…

This afternoon we allow the pure flow of consciousness to explore the cosmos, as we expand the purity and rise with the currents of pure conscious timing and synchronicity…

This evening we are gifted the purity of communing with spirit… A wonderful time to sing, breathe and attract spirits messages as this divine cycle of healing allows us to open to channel purely the gifts of spirit…

So beloveds a truly divine day, where the portals are open and new energy is flooded into our consciousness… Enjoy and we are truly one in the this vast healing of the collective consciousness, that begins with you… Blessed be…


3 Responses

  1. HI! does this mean that no self healing can occur after this day? surely I misunderstand….Im having a difficult time understanding the Mayan dynamic. Im a yellow planetary human and I seek some sort of validation (I know, I know It seems unimportant)) of my mission here. Id like to do better. I have a rough idea..perhaps Im lacking inspiration..you see…Im letting myself be bogged down by the physicality of poison food, vices that I cant quite kick..and a bit of laziness on my part regarding focusing and expanding. great blog. thank you.

    1. Hi Dawnatilla… it is a symptom of the disharmonic paradigm to look for the ‘but’ in all things… no it does not mean healing does not occur after this day, it simply means that naturally occurring healing may be focused on, on this day… more importantly ‘what is your experience?’ Does it validate these transmissions, or not, or does the same energy occur in a different way that you would like to comment on… happy to connect if you want to delve deeper into this wisdom… my email is lovevasumi@yahoo.com

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