Kali ki jai!Good Morning Planetary Kin…

It has been brought to my attention again in the last couple of days, the plight that is facing the indigenous peoples of our planet, in a way that has ruptured my heart… The desire of corporate greed is such a diabolical disease, that it is attempting to kill off those that honour the Earth the most, those that are still living in alignment with the natural forces, within the harmonic matrix… The desires of corporate greed to take the ground from under them and us, is outrageous, when will we realise from our comfortable lives, that it is us that need to take a stand… How can we help? How can we not? What is this sense of helplessness that grows like a virus at the might of Goliath? And yet we have the power to make change as we consume from the corporate greed machine… What are the answers as we consume in this homogenised society? What can you do? What can I do? Perhaps it is a case of shouting from the rooftops – IT IS ENOUGH!!! As our brothers and sisters in the Amazon, the Phillipines, Central Desert Australia, Africa, Tibet, Russia and many more places within the cities of the machine,  cry as they watch their people and lands taken, by the very machine that is providing us with our ‘nouveau riche’ lives…

I know today I am feeling a little less numb to it all than I usually am… I watched a video (please watch by clicking) yesterday that touched me deeply and strengthened my resolve… I returned to NZ 4 months ago with a focus on sharing my work here… So far I have watched myself melt into the ease of a western culture and enjoy the laissez-faire of homogenisation… It has been an interesting experiment as I see how folk can get caught in the bills and money stories that appear to bind into a way of life, where shopping becomes the out… WHAT A SYSTEM is this creation, as I live on the edge of a city bound in comfort and numbness…

What to say? Let’s look to the calendar and see where we are today, not surprising the Night is present, that one that seeks to look under the surface and access the deep unconscious layers that are ever-present… Today we define our Sovereignty by being guided to catalyse change in the deepest unconscious realms of the mind… Going into the collective unconscious amnesia and seeking to change what is hidden within… To look to the illusory fear of ‘not having enough’ that drives the collective to make deals with the devil that has been derailed from the divine… To uncover in our own lives where the ‘fear of lack’ is keeping us from living our highest dreaming of ‘abundance for all beings’ and find the courage to re-align to the righteous good ‘red road’ that ensures a future for the coming generations of all planetary peoples and our good Earth…

Question by BushlemonWe are supported in this today by being guided by the most ancient wisdom to question and explore all that seeks to keep the lid on the atrocities that are happening on our own planet and in our own back yards… Sovereignty is here and now is the TIME to step up folks, let us be courageous, face our fears, uncloak our numbness and comfort, and STAND STRONG for those that do not have a voice… Let us find ways to raise funds to protect our native peoples and native lands, let us continue to boycott products that are the the result of corporate greed… Let us educate ourselves and our children as to what is truly happening on our planet… Let us rise up now, it IS the time of the R-evolution…

This morning we are compelled to see the bigger picture that we may define our missions and look to where we can effect the greatest change…

This afternoon we explore how to weave webs of connection that expand our minds in the divine design, that we may awaken to the pure consciousness and the flow of Love that is the juice that fuels our capacity to care… Our desire to create bonds across the planet to the most pure energy that awakens… For this we can connect to those people that are the most connected to the natural order, those that we must protect, if we are not to become the clones of the system that is only surface deep and is sucking the life force, from our planet and her peoples…

This evening it becomes important to perfect the purity of our connections with others, that we connect in reverence and truth… Offering opportunities for connection that are based in the most clear actions that manifest the purifying of our collective consciousness…

guarani-veneziaWow intense, a big day, may we look that this Xmas time, we are truly in the spirit of Love and that all that we partake of is feeding the Earth and all of her peoples… Please check which of the many service organisations you can help, to make a better planet for all of her peoples and creatures… Give gifts of donation to causes… Make your gifts matter, in the bringing of more awareness to the plights of the people and species of our planet… Give gift donations to a choice of different organisations that serve the Earth, allowing recipients to research to see where their gift donation can go…

Most importantly listen to your intuition and be guided in the directions that allows you to be the greatest catalyst for change that you can be, inciting sovereignty… Remember you are a light unto yourself, and any box you feel you may be caught in, is only self-imposed, and you have the power to go deep within and transform even the greatest of cages that have been built within our own minds… Indeed we are beckoned to quest-i-on everything and acknowledge the abundance of change that is our bEarth-right right now!… Blessed be dear ones…

And if any reading this have projects that need support please comment and share the opportunities for change that you are embracing… Time to share our passion for the Earth and encourage co-creation… Tomorrow is the day of the Power of Co-creation, share now!!!


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