Dear friends…

It seems we are in a time of great energy, catalysing change in our lives as we lift into this new Gregorian year…

The 13-Moon Calendar begins July 26, so as I walk between the worlds, I honour both systems and slowly open the door to understanding of why it is important to work with a 13-Moon calendar… See this link and this one for detailed information on this…

So back to thirteen days of the Storm… Just as a storm stirs it all up and brings change and sometimes chaos into our lives, so these days carry this energy…

With the cocktail of the Storm Wavespell, you may find yourself heading in many directions at once, generating energy, energy, energy – allow this to be, it is the time of it, and indeed there is no escaping it… This is energy generating as the force needed to pass through the eye of the needle into deeper wisdom in the following 13-day Human Wavespell.

The Storm will ask you to be independent, nurturing and communicative in its first 4 days, then we will find ourselves diving deeper in to see what in the unconscious, accessed through the inner child, is calling for change through being witnessed… Some time in the garden, so we may focus on simplicity may then be called for or alternatively, we may just find a day where we are able to organise our worlds and call in the support we need that will bring life force to inspire us forward as we listen and allow synchronicity to guide us… Opportunities will then present themselves through loved ones, to connect with different worlds and networks, so that we may be open for opportunities to accomplish and realise change, by being guided by our in-tuition to which directions abundance lies, that leads to our creativity becoming manifest, as we are guided to quest-ion the harmony of our surroundings, and ask ourselves whether it is not better practice to surround ourselves with the beauty of nature and harmonious environs… On the 11th day of the cycle we may feel to find release through being quiet, by going in to purify, as our nervous systems may be on overload, so a good day to be at the beach, near water, allowing ourselves to just go with the flow of our lives, that will allow us to be with those we love and connect in community, sharing all that has occurred in our lives over the last few weeks, so that on the 13th and last day of the cycle, we can rest in the presence of trusting that all is as it should be, and as we are relaxing into this state, we can envision the greater story of our lives, and play with expanding the edges of that vision, knowing that as we see it, so will it be, because we ARE Magic!!! … and this leads into another story that will be continued as we enter the Yellow Human wave spell for 13 days…

I trust you have enjoyed our rendezvous and look forward to connecting again soon…

blessed be all beings


11 Responses

  1. I love the evolution of your reading! It feels like you have found a way you can still do it, still have time away and evolve it to integrate the new energy! Love it xxx

  2. Hey Vasumi excellent post as always. I did happen to encounter the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson version of working out ones galactic signature. Two questions arise.

    1. I had never considered whether the time of birth mattered when calculating one’s galactic signature. What are your thoughts on this? So if this matters then my whole signature changes.

    2. How does “lawoftime” deal with “day out of time” when calculating one’s galactic signature? So in “lawoftime” I am two bars family, in GMT I am two dots. Which changes the reading quite considerably.

    Many thanks

    1. Hi there cdancer…
      Thanks for your wonderful quest-i-ons… i love how this system works, once one enters more deeply into it, many questions spring forth that are the keys to our further growth of awareness… The first question you pose is not one that I encountered until about 4 years into my daily abidance in the Dreamspell, and henceforth I had 4 years of experience that was deep and validating of that system, this was as I see it now, a huge blessing, as if i had had no experience of living the system there is a lot that could have put me off in the beginning, as is the case with many… Luckily I was already deepening my roots of personal bodily experience, which is to me the most valid beyond theories… So saying…
      I generally go with the Dreamspell (Yucatan and Palenque based) and the Quiche Count (Guatemalan)… The Dreamspell goes from midnight to midnight, and the Quiche Count from sunrise to sunrise… I feel it is important to understand that your whole wavespell influences you, not just the day you were born… and in this way you can see how the energy is a wave of time evolving, and not a stuck point in time that is fixed… So the day before evolves into the day after… and so I feel the time between midnight and sunrise is a mix, the ending of one and the beginning of another… and ultimately it is important to see what resonates with you… for that is the portal through which you can view…
      To me, there are many many systems in the world, all originating from source, each a portal of focus, that when we enter that focus, the universe conspires to reveal its truth to us, and each truth is there as a signpost to encourage our evolutionary journey to essence… And each truth does not rule out another truth as in the conditioning of the last 2000 years of the old world power over paradigm…

      The Day Out of Time still has a tone and a glyph… It is the leap year you are really querying here, and so am I… and again I did not know of this altercation until 4 years into my living the tzolkin, so again I feel blessed that I could dance along unhindered by the many questions that are now there, and come to a point of understanding, that the mind can never figure out the experience that a being has, and if it does, the experience has already been anyway and becomes dead… So personally I love the quest-i-on and where it leads me, as to believing what my mind says is the answers, well perhaps I am too in love with the magic to do that, and also there are so many infinite answers, that I would be too confused too even breath…
      Ultimately I find questions are opening and infinite and answers are closing and finite, so these days I tend to ask the questions and leave it up to consciousness to reveal the answer it would like me to have, in order for my greatest awareness to grow… and then not get attached to it as ‘the’ answer… only ‘my’ answer in the moment… totally mutable…

      blessed be dear one and thank you for inspiring this learning for me…
      Deep Respect and keep the quest-ions coming, and apologies if I did not get to the root of ‘your’ question and I wish you wonder in the journey…

      1. Just a short quest-i-on.. How do you feel about teachings of Krishnamurti? Specially what he said about truth being a pathless land?
        I’ve read your posts for a long time now and kinda miss you writing it every day. I understand that reality is what you make it.. Yet I’ve never met anything so syncronized as this calenderS before..
        Feels like these calenders are reading of this collective illusion we live in.

        Thank you for your open hearth answer.

        Much appreciate your efforts, Even if in silence, you deserve everything you’ve ever dreamed!

        1. Hi Maarjo… I have no opinion on the great sage teachers, they touch me in a moment when the synchronicity makes me open to them… There is no point having opinions, one is either touched in the moment or not, and that has nothing to do with the teachings and everything to do with the synchronic order… Thankyou for your appreciation, now I just need to find a good webmaster…
          Blessings Vasumi

  3. Perfect. After I posted the question. I found myself going into and reading the info for the two relevant glyphs in question and yes you are right, I can see combinations of both operating within my life, though, I resonated more when I reflected on the longer period of life and living with the midnight to midnight.

    The discrepancy then comes with the tones. According to Dreamspell I’m 2 bars or no dots and according to Quiche I am 2 dots. I’m not sure if I am just wishful thinking or “intending” I prefer the not dots one (I’m dotty enough LOL). So anyway, much like you hint at, they are maps or stories to guide not the “reality” itself per se. Thanks that really clears things up.

    1. It is all a matter of choice and resonation… How about accepting that both are right but represent different aspects of Self (yourself in this instance), and try each on on as an energetic frequency and see where it sits in your being… If you do not get a clear sense of this yet, wait for a few more rounds of 13 with special attention on the days that hold each of the tones, by each system, and just keep exploring… it is the way… Your personal experience is the gauge…
      And if you would like me to walk you through this, consider a session with me… You can see details and book under the Sessions tab above…
      Blessings to you…

      1. Yes true. I kind of got that idea about both being right and that is what I was aiming to do, “feel” which one resonates more clearly. I didn’t get a clear answer with the tones as I did with the signature. So your suggestion is a good one. When I am ready for a session I will surely click that book a session tab. Many thanks.

        PS What book are you working from?

        1. the one that is alive in my body… following codes daily for 17 years kinda codes the body as the book or matrix…
          Look forward to working more deeply with you in the perfect timing… bless

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