Hi there dear kin…

Wow what a wild ride we have been on with the Storm wavespell, so much energy swirling as we launched into life full power in this new Gregorian year…

Now we enter the Human wavepell of Wisdom and what it is to have Free Will Choice in our lives… The cycle of anthropology, as we question what it is to make choices that benefit our lives and the lives of those around us…

How can we influence our environment and its people? What of the ancient and indigenous wisdoms, and how do they guide us? What of our elders and ancestors and the choices they made? As we look back in time to our collective and individual experiences that resulted from choice… Is this life guided completely by Spirit, or are we co-creators in this dance?

With the beginning of the cycle full of the Dark Moon, it is a good place to anchor down and in, honouring the ancestors and the wisdom passed down through the generations from their actions… We learn this wisdom from witnessing our elders making their decisions, in order to see what works or not for our own lives, and for this let us give gratitude… As whether the decisions are viewed as right or wrong, they still gave experience upon which to base our next choice….

(Day 1) So the cycle of the Human asks us to explore different cultures, different ways of doing things, become a planetary anthropologist and discover how different tribes dealt and deal with different issues… (Day 2) Explore the modern day tribes and see what is working and what is not in your community and other communities in your area… (Day 3) Practise the patience of receptivity and be open for what comes to you, rather than running after things… (Day 4) From here see the bigger picture and allow the creative mind to trust the imagination, as it plays with different scenarios…
On the tails of the Storm wavespell we are also moving into the Chinese New Year of the Wood Horse and there is a definite flavour in the air, of this year being one where you are either on or off the Horse and there is not too much time to sit around and think about it… Time seems to be up and away with us, so let us truly look to our choices and be strong in them, if it is not a full-bodied YES, it is a No and no doubt other doors will open that will avail a more true path… The greatest wisdom in this life lies in our body wisdom, it is truly a life in the physical dimension, where the body is the boss and if we listen for its wisdom ,we will no doubt find a good ride in the right direction…  I suggest talking to your body as though it is a different part of yourself and asking it ‘yes/no’ questions and becoming sensitive to its answers… This is truly the greatest wisdom that I can impart today…

british-columbia(Day 5) Find empowerment through focusing on the highest potential outcome that comes from fearless questioning of what is not working, to find what may be successful… (Day 6) Organise your life to listen to the right timing as our planets life, the living things, the weather, the plants, give messages of right direction, messages to assist choices that bring balance to your life… (Day 7) Be inspired by reflecting the truth from your heart to those that you love, being direct and up front with them… (Day 8) Come into integrity by becoming aware of any thought forms that may limit the abundance in your life, and allowing them to change…

(Day 9) Realise that becoming Sovereign or independent as a shining light, is a choice that you can make by being guided to question fear, and shine a light on it, allowing yourself the freedom to be pulsed by the most divine light that shines from within you… Have the courage to shine your light independently of where anyone else is at … (Day 10) Allow yourself to birth pure flow in your life, a life where you are able to respond to the natural flow of a pure stream of consciousness… Perfecting free will choice at every turn… (Day 11) Release all built up energy through dance and song, expressing any excess energy no longer needed… Allowing for freedom as Spirit guides your release… (Day 12) Bring your abundant vision to community, as you live the wonderful saying ‘The more we give, the better we live’…

(Day 13) Hold the presence of pure will, as you focus on the greatest potential harmony growing from the wisdom of your choices to co-create beauty on this Plan-it Divine!!!

So beloveds, one full wavespell, one full 13-day cycle to guide us, as we naturally flow in this wave of consciousness… I wish you well and look forward to connecting again for the next cycle of the Serpent, get ready beloveds, it will be a doozy!!!


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