Hall_of_Mirrors_by_psion005Good Morning Planetary Kin…

Whoosh, life has been carrying us on the fast ride, the intensity of each moment leading to the next in a swift accolade of the need to be present to each task… This weary body is now totally prepared for the next stage of cutting to the quick of reality, revealing all  that is not of the most vital order, reflecting the truth of the endless order of reality, aligned and concise in the sacred geometry of Truth…

So we have entered the Mirror wavespell… This 13-day cycle of alignment brings with it the capacity to reflect and cut away all that is not serving our lives, to wield the sword of truth and come into alignment with what is truly necessary and what is not!

Tuesday 25 Feb – Kin 118: White Magnetic Mirror, Galactic Moon 19- On the first day of the cycle we attract the energy for the whole cycle, a gentle beginning that is clear and concise, direct and dismantling of all that we may have previously held back on, in order to cut to the quick of the reality we are perceiving… For me is a great time to enter into 6 days straight, of NLP training… NLP reflecting deeply on how the brain works and how we as humans, use it… And the teacher is a ‘White Magnetic Mirror’ and a dear friend, that I trust implicitly to guide me in this work – the right amount of cosmic recognition delivered through a grounded system such as NLP… Arteshar has a deep and persistent passion for the truth and has mastered the tools of NLP, to assist with systems busting on our planet NLPintuition.co.nz. I have deep gratitude for this opportunity to train with her…

Wednesday 26 Feb – Kin 119: Blue Lunar Storm, Galactic Moon 20, – Aaah what a relief this morning as I awoke after the best sleep for awhile, a full night of no waking, as I did each night with the intensity of the energy of the last cycle… Finally I am fully rested as I slept the night in Arteshars sacred meditation room, where we are receiving our NLP training, and am now at the beach at a coffee shop having a quiet breakfast in order to share this work with you… Latte in hand, eggs coming soon, as we traverse this terrain of Etznab, the Mirror…

So todays Blue Lunar Storm encourages us to trust the chaos that ensues as we begin the journey of reflecting on what is in order and what is not, in our lives… As we cut away the superfluous, all energy engaged in the holding pattern of keeping the unaligned in place, is released and free to become the entropic energy that catalyses change… Today works primarily on the physical plane and so you may expect to play in the rain, throwing to gay abandon, any resistance to the primal force of the storm to sweep us up in the change of its purifying force of chaos…

Thursday 27 Feb – Kin 120: Yellow Electric Sun, Galactic Moon 21, – After the Storm, the Sun shines ever more brightly with an Electric current that activates true alignment, encouraging an elevated focus on the highest potentials that are possible. Guided by this willingness to grow into the full potential of light we can be, we focus intently on our capacity for emotional in-deep-end-dance, shining independently as we grow and create bonds with those that carry a shared intention, to focus on co-creating highest potential in a similar way, serving the truth of right alignment…

Friday 28 Feb – Kin 121: Red SelfExisting Dragon, Galactic Moon 22- Today we get to define the actions of yesterdays energy-in-motion, emotional activation… This definition considers the evolution of the feminine in our lives, as our awareness encompasses the cycles of the past as they have brought us to this moment of birthing the new… As we measure the considered actions of the past, that we may be more truly informed, in alignment, as we define the form of what is to come… Today is the first day of the central column of the 260-day Tzolkin and in this it brings us to a divine and measured balance, wherein all actions to come, must be guided by the full support of the messages that come through synchronicity, to confirm right action and right alignment, for here all is at stake, the birthing of the new time must be correct and for this we must listen to the greater cycles of the Great Feminine Birthing Mama consciousness, revealed in the greater cycles of our dear Mama Earth… Listen to her for she will reveal the perfect timing to bEarth anew…

Saturday 1 Mar – Kin 122: White Overtone Wind, Galactic Moon 23- So today we are empowered through the Mana (spiritual power) that radiates from the centre of our hearts bearing the messages of spirit… The power of spirit guided by unconditional love, what it is to allow spirit to radiate through us, issuing commands of alignment and truth… Foot in mouth, No… Alignment in the truth of spirit that empowers by revealing the web of connection where all is included, the dark shadows of fear are illuminated and embraced in order that we recognise and remember all as Self… Sing the songs of devotion, and allow love to empower the downtrodden, as we are embraced in the true arms of the inclusive power of Spirit Love…

Sunday 2 Mar – Kin 123: Blue Rhythmic Night, Galactic Moon 24- Today we get to dive deep into any sense of lack, and reconnect with the inner knowing of abundance for all beings… We get to organise the resources  of our planet to be shared in order to bring balance… In our Earths crystal core is the program / contract / spell for our planet ‘ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS’… As long as there are beings on our abundant planet whose needs are not being met, we are unconsciously motivated to bring this into balance, we may not rest until this contract is fulfilled… So today we look to the unconscious to uncover limitation and unearth any fear that would keep us in holding patterns, that may resist the abundance that is gifted us every single day of our lives Let us be courageous enough to receive, in order to share with others… In the words of the Rainbow Tribes – ‘The more we give, the better we live’, and in the works of a dear 5-yr-old daughter of the Rainbow Tribes ‘Caring is Sharing’, and another divine catch-phrase ‘Live Simply that others may Simply Live’… Be grateful for your abundance and all that is not needed, share with your neighbours or those in need in countries where daily clean water is the most valued and precious gift and any extra is a huge bonus, and all will be brought into balance dear friends…

Monday 3 Mar – Kin 124: Yellow Resonant Seed, Galactic Moon 25 – Today we become inspired to focus fearlessly, on the highest potential that is available for collective growth… A day of inspired growth guided by asking the quest-i-ons that cut through the cracks of mediocrity, in order to inspire a collective surge, into greater potentials of possibility, in our combined futures… A dog-with-a-bone type of focus on the highest vision, of our collective future, and a capacity to become so inspired by the potentials, that it begins to resonate through every cell of our bodies and the huge combined body of this dear Pacha Mama Earth being, that we all are….

Tuesday 4 Mar – Kin 125: Red Galactic Serpent, Galactic Moon 26 –  Today we integrate yesterdays divine potentials, through the capacity of our limbic brain to be guided to flow with the most pure consciousness… To allow our collective mind to be purified by accessing our most primal need for survival, as this same limbic brain is purified of all thoughts that would limit survival, allowing collective integration and re-wiring for survival – be open for it people!

Wednesday 5 Mar – Kin 126: White Solar Worldbridger, Galactic Moon 27 – Today we collectively surrender to the will of Spirit, building bridges of connectivity from world to world to world, guided by the voice of Spirit calling us to realise the web of connectivity that we are all a part of… Letting go of any sense of separation in order to be open for the opportunities, gifted through connecting to those we have not known before… Be open today, opportunities abound from the highest sources of spirit guidance!!! And please do not make this too lofty an ideal, as this could cause you to miss the most sacred, in the most mundane!!!

Thursday 6 Mar – Kin 127: Blue Planetary Hand, Galactic Moon 28, Rainbow Bridge Meditation – Today all the energy of the past 10 days is manifested on the physical plane, through healing, as body knowing is perfected through our accomplishments… In this we are guided by having the space to stand back and witness, to acknowledge the truth of this incarnation, as perfected through the knowing contained in our body… Give yourselves physical space to work today, each of us as beauty-full worker bees, perfecting the divine harmonics of Truth… With this knowing much can be accomplished and healed in divine order… Appreciate these incredible bodies we are gifted in this incarnation, and allow them the space to know and heal beyond our analytical minds… Much is collectively accomplished today as the alignment of Truth is perfected, polished, manifested in our capacity to be guided by the vision of divine planetary healing…

Friday 7 Mar – Kin 128: Yellow Spectral Star, Solar Moon 1  – Aaaah and the release, grateful to have accomplished alignment in the truth of planetary healing… Today we may release, deeply in, to the true harmony of a healed reality. To recognise the beauty of the natural world and relish in the freedom of release… To liberate the beauty that has been held in non-Sense, in to the Truth of alignment with the most elegant, super creative force of ourSelves, at one in the divine creation of the true order of consciousness…

Saturday 8 Mar – Kin 129: Red Crystal Moon, Solar Moon 2 – Today our minds respond to the flow of pure consciousness through co-operating with others, birthing a new and pure consciousness of co-operation, based in the perfection of reflecting the divine truth… We rest in community – common-unity – based on a pure response to caring and nurturing the flow of new consciousness, for this now and the coming generations….

Sunday 9 Mar – Kin 130: White Cosmic Dog, Solar Moon 3 – And to our final 13th day of the cycle and inhabiting the most divine presence of the endless order of right alignment and truth… Here we arrive to unconditional LOVE, anchoring a deep receptivity to the divine presence of truth,  inclusion of all aspects of all dimensions… Divine receptive timeless openness in the deepest darkest womb of timeless LOVE… Where nothing and nobody is left out, and all merges to become ONE!

So blessed be dear ones and have a wonderful journey in these 13 days, be with you at the beginning of the next cycle, hopefully a few days earlier and embraced in deep and unconditional love!



2 Responses

  1. What a wave………..riding a wave, surfing, one has senses open wide, merging body with larger forces of tide and sea. Reading this post was a similar experience. Senses open to your description of the galactic wave, which I already feel in my body.

    Oh yum hunab ku Eva maya E ma ho!!

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