As we enter the Warrior wavespell today, it heralds 13 days where we get to face any fears uncovered in the last 13-day cycle (wavespell) of the Night, where we dove deep to uncover any unconscious fears bound up in limitation… So this cycle is where we get to quest-i-on these fears and focus fearlessly on evolving forward… Calling on our innate intelligence to quest-i-on all that stands in the way… The universal truth of what it is to fully focus, unwaveringly, on the mission at hand…

Yellow Magnetic Warrior, Kin 196 – Wednesday 14 May: Today begins the cycle, here we attract the consciousness of questioning everything in our lives… To attract our true mission requires this depth of quest, to hold to the Advaita path of the quest we are all on – Who am I? What is this being stripped bare of all we believed is true – What if it is not true? What is deeper than that? Such a delight to use our intelligence to fearlessly dive deep into the very foundations we have paved as reality… Enjoy the journey and leave no stone unturned, for what is there to lose but fear itself, and what is there to find underneath it all, but love?

Red Lunar Earth, Kin 197 – Thursday 15 May: And so to the Earth herself we dive, to listen, to wait, to quest, to be patient enough to be guided by the flow of synchronicity, the signs she gifts us of the most appropriate steps to take in this, her r-evolution that we are graced enough to be a part of… Listen for the beat of her heart, for the oncoming messages she wishes to share with you, allow yourself to walk with the beat of her drum… Allow yourself to strum her song, as the purity of her waters wash over you and cleanse your ears, that you may hear her voice ever more clearly, letting go that there is anywhere to ‘get’ to, as we become patient and await the right step in the right timing…

White Electric Mirror, Kin 198 – Friday 16 May: Here the truth is activated, to reflect on the energy in motion (emotion) inside your very own body, reflecting the breath of the mother… To allow her messages to be uttered through you, unfettered by conditioning, direct, straight, hitting the mark, before you even have the time to scuttle back into the safety and nicety of conditioned repression… Allow today the voice of truth to be uttered, as your emotional body senses the current of truths that pour through you, in direct reflection to all that surrounds and is in you…

Blue SelfExisting Storm, Kin 199 – Saturday 17 May: Today the mind is transformed as we are guided to define ourselves by the truths expressed yesterday, old conditioned thought forms become fodder for a new way of seeing… So much energy newly available for creative solutions to age-old problems… We begin to see where energy has been bound, and in being seen, are quick to unbind, allowing the chaos of not landing, of allowing the free flight of the imagination to be full with infinite possibility… This chaos that is the build up of energy with a faint hint of something, just beyond the horizon, beckoning us home, with a promise of what is to come…

Yellow Overtone Sun, Kin 200 – Sunday 18 May: The powerful arrival of the light, as the entropy of yesterday ensures we pass through the eye of the needle, home to source, enlightened harmony, sovereign and powerful alignment in the reality of the harmonic matrix… Guided by the beauty of the light of our own solar, sovereign existence, here we radiate that light with a command that ignites fearless focus, on the Source of all of life – pure harmony guiding us home…

Red Rhythmic Dragon, Kin 201 – Monday 19 May: Today the Mother brings balance, through nurturing our bodies, responding to the needs of all around us, we find grounded ‘being’ in our bodies… We respond to any inequality that surrounds us, as we re-organise our lives, that equality and balance be reflected, inside and out…

White Resonant Wind, Kin 202 – Tuesday 20 May: Spirit resonates through us, as we open to receive the messages that anchor through us, as we open our mouths to utter sounds that resonate our quest… To quest-i-on naturally, as channels of spirit, asking those questions that are evolving through us, as our own, when in reality it is spirits journey through these physical forms that is questing through us… Open, receive, allow the breath to sound spirits calling, spirit messages in timeless resonance with all of consciousness…

Blue Galactic Night, Kin 203 – Wednesday 21 May: Today  knowledge guides us to dive deep into the collective unconscious dreaming, to access the realms of infinite abundance… To quest beyond our fears, armed with the knowledge that somewhere, deep, deep down is the promise, the contract of our planet ‘Abundance for all beings’… To integrate what it is to live our dreams, to share our gifts, to be a model of this Earths spell of ‘abundance for all’… Unbridled by greed, knowing that there is always enough, we are always provided for as we align our minds to the knowledge that is held in the deep wells of our collective unconscious dreaming… Making the unconscious conscious for the betterment of all beings…

Yellow Solar Seed, Kin 204 – Thursday 22 May: Here the potentials of our highest yearnings are focused on, as we gather allies to co-create and look to our highest collective flowering… The Seed of the New Time beckon, where all beings are sovereign and together we may rise up from the deep roots of our collective dreaming and indeed realise those dreams as divine Seeds of Light pulsing with the vibrance of Solar Intelligence…

Red Planetary Serpent, Kin 205 – Friday 23 May: Pulsed into manifesting the most vibrant life force, today is lived deeply in the throes of the most vibrant life, manifesting our collective need for survival, we explore that life force through our bodies adrenal system, as we explore our most primal instinctive urges for LIFE!!! Intense, alive and manifesting perfection…

White Spectral Worldbridger, Kin 206 – Saturday 24 May: With LIFE manifested, today we can release the focus and allow the freedom of surrendering to allow the opportunities that come our way… A day of releasing the need to block external energies as we have on our incessant focus on our personal quest of the last 10 days, and now with the energy built up already, opening to all connections that come today, as they carry the possibility of answering to that quest, with no attachment… Freedom to let go and let god/dess…

Blue Crystal Hand, Kin 207 – Sunday 25 May: Today the knowledge gained from our quest for fearless intelligence, allows healing of the collective mind… To allow the transformation from competition to co-operation, a sharing of knowledge that catalyses change in our ways of operating with each other… The knowing that we must work together in order to create true change that lasts, letting go of our hard hold on concepts, and ideas of right and wrong, and allow the transformative healing of mind into a truly universal state of co-operation – where we are accomplishing the highest intelligence!

'Flora in the Heart' Artwork Of Olivia CurryYellow Cosmic Star, Kin 208 – Monday 26 May: Today the pure presence of our search for fearless intelligence is revealed in  the wisdom of choosing to be co-creators of harmony, of beauty, of divine works of art, of Self as a beautiful art form! The presence of beauty in our lives is reflected in our capacity to choose wisely and intelligently, questioning all that does not answer to this call for the highest intelligence… Who me, to be beautiful? Of course, Who are you not to be? Each one of us a creation of this most divine consciousness, to co-create with it, even more beauty, guided by those influential elders who knew the score – to choose the beauty path is the greatest wisdom there is, to know ourselves as inter-connected sparks of creation in this divine geometry of consciousness!!!


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