Blessed be Planetary Kin…

And so we enter the 20th and final wavespell of the 260-day Tzolkin or Count of Days… This 13-day Star wavespell  begins with Yellow Magnetic Star attracting the frequencies of harmony, beauty, art and the divine creativity of the harmonic matrix, as energies to witness and evolve within over the coming 13 days…

YELLOW MAGNETIC STAR, Kin 248: Saturday 5 July – Today we augur in 13 days of creativity, to focus not only on what is before us, but on how we can create the most beauty and harmony of it… How to harmonise and uplift energy is the quest we are on…

RED LUNAR MOON, Kin 249: Sunday 6 July – Today we anchor our capacity to create beauty, through allowing ourselves to respond fluidly to whatever comes our way… Not stopping and getting tripped up or out, but allowing ourselves to be as water, not sweating the small stuff and flowing around and through anything that has a blocking effect, acting as a filter to purify… A great day to nurture ourselves with water, cleansing and clearing our physical bodies and spaces and anything we see that needs purification…

WHITE ELECTRIC DOG, Kin 250: Monday 7 July – Love is in the air today as we feel the bonds of connection anchoring us into a greater appreciation of the harmony that is activated with love… A day where we are receptive and open to sharing our beauty and creativity and see that these are the threads that activate the oxytocin of love… Allowing that love to be received deeply, and in turn creating deeper and deeper levels of harmony, as again the oxytocin charges open hearted responses that see all as one… Even the shadows are allowed to be felt today, that we may bring all into harmony…

BLUE SELFEXISTING MONKEY, Kin 251: Tuesday 8 July – Today the mind learns what it is to trust, as we push the boundaries, to discover the magic that exists just beyond our knowing. Where all worlds begin to sparkle just that little more with the joy of learning as we are guided by a desire to go that extra step, uncovering a wider level of trust… Jumping and flying, rewarded with a capacity to define the how of Magic!

YELLOW OVERTONE HUMAN, Kin 252: Wednesday 9 July – Powerful wisdom radiates from the capacity to choose sovereignty today… To shine our light on the choices that are informed by the solar rays of consciousness that shine on and through us every day, bring a capacity to choose the harmony that will reverberate and radiate through the generations…

RED RHYTHMIC SKYWALKER, Kin 253: Thursday 10 July – Today is a great day to explore, to go out and expand into new experiences… There may be a feeling today to find balance by immersing in the adventures of the great outdoors, or at least in different realities than what we are used to…

WHITE RESONANT WIZARD, Kin 254: Friday 11 July – Today there may be a deep openness to opportunities that come as we open to receive and anchor energy from other worlds… A great day to open, meditate and receive, free of conditions…

BLUE GALACTIC EAGLE, Kin 255: Saturday 12 July – Today we integrate whatever we received yesterday as we allow the bigger picture to be transformative, allowing the very creative mind to find harmonious solutions for age old problems…

YELLOW SOLAR WARRIOR, Kin 256: Sunday 13 July – Today true fearless intelligence is realised as the capacity to choose to be a creatrix… To set the intention to choose to create harmony no matter what comes up… Knowing oneself as the creator of ones own life, is key to creating the most harmonious and beautiful lives possible, for self and others…

RED PLANETARY EARTH, Kin 257: Monday 14 July – Today beauty is made manifest as we perfect our capacity to be fully embraced by life by listening to our bodies natural instinct to create in alignment with all that has been… To be IN Time, to follow synchronicity and the messages that are everywhere once we allow ourselves to listen and respect our bodies instinctive promptings – here is the most profound and perfected state of creation – our bodies, our Earth – this divine creation!

WHITE SPECTRAL MIRROR, Kin 258: Tuesday 15 July – Today brings clean lens, as we reflect very clearly all that is in front of us… Today we release all that has been built up over the past 10 days in our quest to create the utmost beauty and harmony, and as we open our eye to what is, all that is extraneous drops away to its most crystalline form of creation…

BLUE CRYSTAL STORM, Kin 259: Wednesday 16 July – Today all is in the mix, as we celebrate in joy the divine creation of all of life… A GREAT day for a party, where the chaos of all of life is catalysed and celebrated with the willingness to be guided by the joy and play of our childlike innocence… For it is joining together in fun that we can be the most creative!

YELLOW COSMIC SUN, Kin 260: Thursday 17 July – Today we return home to Source, being the presence of the divine light, simply through choosing it… It is THAT simple!!!

Giving thanks for this Alpha Omega moment the end of one cycle, auguring in the beginning and birthing of a new one!!!

Red Solar Moon year And remember if you feel to follow these codes for yourself, the 13 Moon Synchronometers are now ready to be ordered and are just about ready to send to you wherever you are on the planet… These wonderful day-keeping books are $26 each plus postage and if you would like to order bulk, reduced rates are available… Simply email for ordering details…


4 Responses

  1. ;)solar power;) god..holy spirit..all..1for all all 4 the close in trap to survive the real meaning

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