Let us Let go. Let god/dess.

Hot on the Skywalker trail

Gifted with awakening from our deep slumber

Exploring the further reaches of space

Now it is Time to open,

the Worldbridger, Lord of Death

beckons us to let go the old unnecessary

to surrender to what arrives anew from other worlds…

To let go and allow what is to be…

A time to open to many worlds,

to network and weave the web

to cross uncrossed bridges,

to allow the initiation of walking through doors wrongly judged before this time

being the initiator and initiated

we will open and uncover worlds within worlds within worlds

ever surrendering to the gifts of the moments becoming…


This is the wavespell or 13-day cycle that I am  born into and so as I write I learn deeper levels of what this cycle carries for me … It is a great practice to write up the wavespells, you out there may like to try it, as what comes thru is fascinating…


White Magnetic Worldbridger, Kin 66, Sunday 21 Sept – Here we are magnetised into a deep sense of surrender… The focus is inward, as we begin to align with what is truly important in our lives and let go of the rest… Open and available for whatever shows up, a place of deep let go… Open, available and non-attached… Miracles are beckoned!

Blue Lunar Hand, Kin 67, Monday 22 Sept – This space of let go is challenged to translate into the ‘real’ or physical world as we allow our body knowing to reveal to us what needs healing and doing, as we allow the body to transform of its own right… Letting go any interference from the mind, letting go, letting god and allowing huge transformation to be accomplished… A busy day, as wherever our Hands are drawn, change happens…

Yellow Electric Star, Kin 68, Tuesday 23 Sept – Today surrender activates creativity, as we choose to create and serve beauty in our lives, see how our nervous systems are influenced by harmony and how in turn we influence others to be calm and deep-rooted in honouring all that has been… We are drawn to serve those wise people that bring a calming energy, to guide us, as we activate those aspects of ourselves to serve the whole… A day where we shy away from any drama, and choose to create beauty…

Red Self Existing Moon, Kin 69, Wed 24 Sept – From a calm surrendered place our minds have access to pure consciousness… As the raw limbic brain reaches to the brilliance of surfing the mind waves, accessing the most up-to-date streams of consciousness that reveal the most pure forms of survival… Surfing collective mind, bridging worlds through the telepathic air waves, connecting to pure genius…

White Overtone Dog, Kin 70, Thursday 25 Sept – Today Love reflects truth and becomes radiant and powerful as the urge to merge in clarity empowers connection to other worlds… True and clear reflections show up with deep compassion for all that is denied, and we empower those in our field by honouring the shadow and including all that shows up in our worlds today from a place of clarity and acceptance… All judgement is let go, as we seek to pierce to the truth of love and radiate all encompassing compassion…

Blue Rhythmic Monkey, Kin 71 (Moi), Friday 26 Sept – Just as the Pied Piper weaves magic with his flute, here magic encourages us to push the boundaries of our known worlds, as we are drawn to trust expansion, finding greater balance to our lives through being open and playful, trying on different archetypes shown to us from different worlds, as actors on the stage of life, exploring, being as children, non-serious and non-attached to any of the aspects we try on today… In it, but not of it… Children at play, experimenting, learning and teaching…

Yellow Resonant Human, Kin 72, Saturday 27 Sept – Inspired today to choose to grow to our full potential, as an answer to the prayer of our ancestors and all that came before… We become resonant to those beings that are influential through their encouragement of the flowering of our utmost reaching…

Red Galactic Skywalker, Kin 73, Sunday 28 Sept – Messages have been accessed from other worlds, and today we learn how to share them in the perfect moment… How not to lay our pearls before swine, but how to listen and wait for the timing of our message to be received in the moment that promises the most potent reception. That we may honour the messages handed to us that truly hold influence, passing those messages in an honouring way, that those gifts may continue to awaken and assist the evolution, rather than being de-energised by an audience that is not open to the message, not because they are not interested, but because our timing and our own agenda killed the message… Stop, listen and deliver when the utmost listening is ensured, and similarly listen for those messages that come, at any moment to awaken you and assist your evolution.. Here we are learning the art of language and communication!!!

White Solar Wizard, Kin 74, Monday 29 Sept – Deeply receptive, open and anchoring a timeless space for connection and merging… All are included as compassion reveals the multidimensional nature of what it is to be present beyond the confines of the physical dimension… The shamanic presence of love, pulsing from beyond the veils, to bring messages of revelatory import… Be the receptive all-encompassing anchor pulsing with the realisation of what it is to be truly surrendered and one with the all…

Blue Planetary Eagle, Kin 75, Tuesday 30 Sept – A need to see far that we may access deeply the collective unconscious and send our stories to the far-reaches of many worlds, for many worlds… Dreams that guide greater creative vision that produce abundance for all beings… The far-reaching vision that is gifted us to gift others in order to weave the webs of connectivity with all there is… We are all ONE! Share your stories and watch abundance manifest!

Yellow Spectral Warrior, Kin 76, Friday 1 Oct – Such a time of opening it has been, receiving so much, and now that the greater vision is perfected, we close our doors and release all that is no longer in need of receiving… Going inside to quest-i-on the necessity of all extraneous energy… Here we let go and re-focus… Holding on to what is intelligent and letting go the rest… Finding the freedom of focus on one stream, the stream of liberation…

Red Crystal Earth, Kin 77, Saturday 2 Oct – Listening for the flow and riding with the most pure consciousness shared… Synchronicity reveals the evolution of community, where common unity is assured when we access the purest consciousness, devoid of agenda and in honour of our beloved Earth… Here we can dedicate to working together to purify our collective telepathic mind in order to evolve WITH Pacha Mama as she shares her innate intelligence with us through our minds, if ONLY we can listen and hear!!!

White Cosmic Mirror, Kin 78, Sunday 3 Oct – Cutting through to the most endless presence of Spirit, truths are uttered as they channel through from the beyond… Interdimensional beings find a voice as we receive and channel clear reflections of the crystal clear truth in each given moment… The messengers for the many worlds that seek to employ us as their voices… Be open great messengers, be open and allow those messages to meet their mark in full transcendent presence…


2 Responses

  1. great synchronicity is back in focus, i will be at the great pyramid on Saturday and i’m feeling empowered thank you for this little blink into the future Vasumi it is reassuring to know thy path is true

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