THE TIME OF CHANGE – And so the Time of Change is upon us again… I wonder what changes we shall see in the following 13 days as the world rises to say ENOUGH!
And so onto this Story of Change …
1 Purpose: Storm – attracting change, the change agent, the catalyst
2 Stabilise: Sun/Human – anchoring light, physical independence
3 Activate: Dragon/Serpent – energising care, activating responsibility
4 Define: Wind/Mirror – measuring truth, defining reality
5 Empower: Night/Monkey – trusting dreams, magical intuitive abundance
6 Organise: Seed – organising future for balance, planting seeds
7 Inspire: Serpent/Earth – inspiring survival, listening to instinct, channelling life force
8 Integrate: Worldbridger/Dog – integrating compassionate bridging, heartfelt connection
9 Realise: Hand/Night – realising intuitive healing, healing the unconscious to access more energy
10 Manifest: Star/Warrior – manifesting art fearlessly
11 Liberate: Moon – releasing all to the flow, crying tears of liberation
12 Co-operate: Dog/Wind – devotion to spirit community
13 Presence: Monkey/Eagle – transcendent magic, trusting greater vision and creative mind
The wild child hell bent on change because all that he could see made no sense to him… The more he saw and felt, the more alien he felt, there was nowhere he could rest… Nothing felt ok, Nothing sang him up as a being… He felt like an alien in an alien world, surrounded by energy rushing through him and around him that would not rest… He was in the centre of the storm… Chaos personified!
2 The only thing he could do to get any rest was to be outside in the sunlight… Indeed when he allowed the Sun to go deep into his bones was the only time he enjoyed being in his body, so he would fill his body with the light and heat of the Sun and feel grounded here on Earth and all would be good… But then he would have to go back inside his home and again the energetic chaos would drive him crazy and he would have to choose to detach from it and go outside again… This became the pattern of his life, where he was, forever having to deal with energy that felt unreal and stuck as it was wrapped up in cultural thought forms that reeked of denial… And so he chose to be independent early on, for if he didn’t … craziness was definitely his to own….
3 At this point survival became his teacher, as he learnt how to respond to his instincts, finding them to be his best guide, teaching him a deep ability to respond to the moment and be more available for whatever life threw at him…
4 His mind became more open as he took more space from others and Spirit began to utter deep truths to him suggesting to dive deeper and deeper into contemplation and meditation … And he began to write and find that great truths would just channel thru him, as he set himself with pen and paper…
5 Life began to take on a mystical element and his dreams became vivid, magical and prophetic… And he was encouraged to trust his in-tuition…
6 He was shown that he needed to collect resources for the coming times, to collect the seeds of old, heirloom, untampered with seeds, so that vital life would not be killed through the great denial, and that the seeds could reach to their greatest and most natural potential… Through these actions he began to connect with others that were receiving similar messages and they began to organise their lives around collecting resources for a New Time…
7 They became inspired by survival and learnt that as they listened to their instinct they were coming into deeper and deeper resonance with the Earth herself and synchronicity began to guide them to all they needed… And so their attunement to the Earth and her messages became vital for their survival… so they listened deeper and more intently than ever before and the synchronicities would inspire them deeply as they attuned to the natural rhythms of the Earth and her cycles… Drawn to other species and how they insured their survival gifted them with great teachings…
8 They would meet others who were also having a hard time within the great silence of the deep denial and recognise and reach out to them, guided by the compassion of seeing others as themselves and feeling the struggle they were also facing by staying within that old way of being, as slaves to the great dishonesty… And they became initiators and opened doors for many to join them in the Great Change…
9 Knowledge was gained in the sharing, as the wounds of the great denial showed themselves, and all learnt to allow and trust the healing to occur… Accessed from the depths of each being, it was realised that all needed to face the many wounds they had incurred, in order to be healed… Along with that came the realisation that in order for real change to occur the depths of denial had to be plummeted and known in order to dive deeper again to the jewels that laid buried beneath the great silence, the wounds that had long been forgotten and had become a part of the accepted norm that made up what was blindly labelled ‘society’… And so they learnt to trust the healing, realising it as a necessary part of the process of Change…
10 And so it was that each being faced fear and rose to create again… To be guided by their intelligence, to question all that got in the way of creating the most beauty-full lives that they could… To stand strong for harmony as they rose from the depths, to reach to perfect what it was to create elegant and meaningful lives beyond fear, flooded with beauty…
11 And with this floods of tears, the storm gates opened to the beauty that was possible, liberating all into reclaiming their senses… Able to feel again the most subtle nuances and sensitivities to divine flow… And so the great purification freed and flowed, reclaiming the ability to feel deeply and purely the consciousness that had so long been clouded…
12 And so came the willingness to join with others from a place of love, compassion and celebration… Knowing all as one, Spirit-guided in prayer and deep devotion, co-operating each with the other and with Spirits calling… Great song and celebration rang throughout the land as all joined as one, ushering in the Great Change into the New Time based on caring and sharing…
13 And so a greater vision was shown and sown and the people chose to trust in the magic of that creative vision and to understand themselves as one with the creator in their capacity to envision and be fully present in a world full of magic… And so was the presence of Inner-Sense seen and reclaimed and the world was Changed!
This sharing is dedicated to all those beings on this planet that carry the codes (decode here) of the Storm in their essence… Those children entrapped in the school systems, that some within the great denial seek to medicate, rather than face the truth of themselves as a cog in the machine of a world gone mad… May all those ‘Wild Childs’ find their way to transform first themselves, to becoming the Worldchangers they are born to be, then indeed Change the World…
To find your galactic signature codes and the codes of those around you, download 13:20:sync onto your phone and have the capacity to explore and expand… Or for those wise enough not to dive so deep into the technological age of smart phones, go to the Law of Time website above and expand into the Galactic Archetype you can be…
And re-member if you would like to explore your Galactic Archetype deeper in an hour and a half session… Check it out here… I would love to connect and assist with the galactivation that this brings ….
Blessed be!
1968 is about to be revised and improved!
these are exactly the steps i’m going through. I’m at step 9… my number.
Literally what we are experiencing in the Southeast right now after Hurricane Helene just hit…