And so to the Night wavespell we flow, into the story of Abundance, Intuition and the Dreaming of our planet…
1 MAGNETIC attracting – NIGHT Abundance, Intuition, Dreaming
2 LUNAR stabilising – SEED Target, Awareness, Flowering
3 ELECTRIC activating – SERPENT Survive, Instinct, Life Force
4 SELF EXISTING defining – WORLDBRIDGER Surrender, Opportunity, Death
5 OVERTONE empowering – HAND Knowledge, Healing, Accomplishment
6 RHYTHMIC organising – STAR Beauty, Harmony, Art
7 RESONANT inspiring – MOON Flow, Purify, Universal Water
8 GALACTIC integrating – DOG Love, Loyalty, Heart
9 SOLAR realising – MONKEY Play, Illusion, Magic
10 PLANETARY manifesting – HUMAN Free Will, Wisdom, Influence
11 SPECTRAL releasing – SKYWALKER Explore, Wakefulness, Express
12 CRYSTAL co-operating – WIZARD Enchant, Receptivity, Timelessness
13 COSMIC presence – EAGLE Create, Mind, Vision
And so we begin the story of the Night, the story of our Earths abundance, and this story I dedicate to all those answering to the calling of our Earth Mamas dreaming of abundance for all beings, in regions of the world that are suffering the most at the hands of the greed of those who are not listening to the true calling of our planet…
1 There was a child born deeply aware of his connection to the dreaming of our planet… This child followed his dreaming path with his in-tuition and found himself connected deeply through his roots, as an umbilical chord of energy that flowed to the centre of our planet, and absorbed the dreaming of the contract that was held in our Earths crystal core, of ‘abundance for all beings’…
2 This abundance he could see grounded in the struggle of the planets Seeds, taking their courageous journey to grow to their full potential, to provide abundance of oxygen, food, shelter, medicine and beauty for all that lived… Connected in their roots to the dreaming of our planet, just as our boy was, they faced the challenge to bring that dreaming into the physical world and make it real… The boy mimicked the plants and became aware of the bio-diversity of this incredible planet…
3 He became excited by the pure life that coursed through his veins and the veins of all of life… And he vowed to plant Seeds of awareness wherever he went, to activate the awareness of bio-mimicry which seemed to make sense to him… The wonder of this was instilled deeply in his being, and gave him so much energy to leap into lifes fullness, flowing with all that came his way… He felt vital as he was activated with this bio-mimicry and his capacity to flow with the intensity of life became enhanced as he felt life surging through his nervous system and would be guided to flow purely, and leap into life to live the dream that was informed by his in-tuition and his deep rootedness to PachaMamas dreaming…
4 He found that he became very connected to many different worlds and began to understand himself as part of a vast organism of inter-connected life, and as that he found messages would speak, sing and dance through him to those that were less connected…
5 He became empowered with the knowing of those many worlds, and was able to see how that knowing gave him the capacity to bring energy of healing from any of those worlds that were appropriate in the moment and would emerge into his vision, so he could see what must be accomplished to heal the sense of lack that inhibited those of the major paradigm that were conditioned to think ‘there was not enough’ on this oh so abundant planet… He found the power of being guided by the visions that would arise, connecting him to the appropriate worlds that could offer healing to any sense of lack, empowering all in the knowledge of our Earths dreaming of ‘abundance for all beings’… The visions connected him to the appropriate worlds, that allowed the specific healing energy t0 radiate to who or what needed it, in any given instance…
6 He found balance in the divine beauty of the physical worlds and his connections with the devic realms enabled him to be co-creative with nature, seeing himself as equal to all in the worlds of beauty and nature… And so he would love to be in the forests and the elegant realms of the natural worlds, learning all the time through biomimicry…

7 He became so inspired with his deep sensitivity, to respond to the flow of lifes pure energy, and became resonant with the waters that flowed up the plants and trees that allowed life to flourish, and became attuned to the levity or upward flow of the blood in his own body towards his heart, that inspired life to flow in a pure way…
8 He felt deep compassion when the understanding of how all was connected became integrated in his being, as one part of lifes joy or pain affected all of life as part of the co-creation… And so his receptivity to all of life, as part of integrating this learning, built his compassion as he became receptive to the hidden part of others in a deep acceptance of the shadows that each being or part of life was working with… He then embraced all in a compassionate integration of the interwoven web of connection to all things… And realised that pain shared and embraced was pain lessened…
9 He realised the magic of the healing that pulsed through him and was able to become more adventurous as he was guided to push the boundaries of his previous knowing… Guided by his hands, he allowed abundant energy to pulse through him, as he inhabited the wonder of child-like inner-sense, marvelling at all the energy that was available to play in this way… He realised himself as a magical being, and his in-tuition revealed much knowledge to him, when he was in a state of trust with it…

10 He was drawn to the Sun and the effect of that enormous amount of energy that pulsed to the Earth every day, and came to look to those cultures that worshipped the Sun and understood deeply why… And so he chose to be guided by the Sun as the greatest light to be seen, and perfected what it was to shine brightly, as he continued his wise choice to grow through biomimicry, seeing that all the plants reached forth to embrace the sun that encouraged them to become the greatest lights they could, and so the boy, now becoming a man became a great influence on those around him, as he shone brightly as the Sun, and encouraged many to choose to honour the sun and become wise to their own choices of sovereignty, with no need to bow to any others than the great light they embodied in them-cell-ves…
11 This light shone into the darkness and encouraged the free expression of energy, as all that was hidden found its voice allowing much energy to move, to be released and liberated… As so much of what happened to him was deeply connected to the hidden and subtle realms of his in-tuition, it was a relief to release, allowing the pressure of his intuitive journeying to rise up as emotion (energy in motion), the deep unconscious dreaming realms brimming to the surface to be expressed as abundant energy, awakening all…
12 After this release and awakening all agendas fell away, and he became deeply receptive, anchoring a deep openness to all, and becoming a link in the chain, initiating opportunities for connections between the many worlds… Surrendered to the opportunities that came to connect all worlds in the timeless now, allowing all to see the web of connection that creates the multiverses, one big co-operative weave of consciousness, abundant in the many opportunities that are awarded through this…
13 And so he came into presence, seeing the greater picture, a visionary embracing his creative mind, guided by an abundant amount of energy to visualise the change that was needed for all to become abundant on this wonderful planet… And once that was present, what other incredible wonders could be created through the gift of biomimicry, where the laws of the universe encouraged ongoing growth through focusing on the higher potentials of creation and a view to the new time… And his presence endured through his blood lines and out to all those that knew him, and so many more then embraced our planets calling and awoke to the vision of all working together for all on the planet to have their needs met, as this is what is seeded in the unconscious realms of every being, plant, animal, person and part of life on our planet…
And so again I dedicate this story to those that hear the calling… And if you feel the calling to more clearly comprehend your place in the fabric of time, feel free to contact me to discuss a session or if you are in Europe and would like to organise for me to come and share the teachings, also contact me…
This is gorgeous. I’m a blue lunar night kin223 and so is my youngest child. This resonates so much
So happy to hear that… If you would like to dive deeper into the resonance we could connect further … Check