What Times we are in… We are approaching the end of the first year of the 13-year cycle of the Divine Feminine, initiated last July 26, 2019 with White Magnetic Wizard, and this coming weekend with be Day Out Of Time on White Magnetic Mirror, July 25 Saturday, and New Years Day on Blue Lunar Storm, July 26, initiating the 2nd year of this cycle that is resonant of 52 years ago with the same cycle beginning in 1967 – 1979… So that builds a resonance of that most famed time of the most beautiful rEvolution of these times, for those that were alive in that time. So be happy that we are inaugurating CHANGE again, so needed on our beloved planet.
To initiate these times the Law of Time has co-created a 7-day online event that has 28 of our experienced Planetary Kin sharing the codes in their own unique ways… It is a powerful offering, as you get to witness the many different ways to share these codes in a moment in time. Access Day 3 here, where Vasumi has shared an offering along with other Planetary Kin… Here is access to Day 1, Day 2, Day 4. That is as far as we have gone yet, so through those links you will find access to the following days. This is the first time that the Planetary Kin have created an online event of such potency, as we have always before worked with many amazing physical events. So the times we are in have urged the co-creation of this amazing offering. Please feel free to share far and wide.

DAY OUT OF TIME – White Magnetic Mirror
I would also like to share that for the Day Out Of Time, any that are close to the north of the South Island of New Zealand we are have a weekend event in Marahau, all are welcome. And if not in this area there is an online DOOT event accessible here.

The last thing I would like to mention is that the 13 Moon Journals are now available to order for this year. Also Tracking Time Codes, the new book that holds all the codes to learn from the most basic to the most advanced. I suggest ordering both books together, or at the very least the Tracking Time Codes to get a simple and workable understanding of the Cosmic Codes of the 13 Moon Calendar, Dreamspell and beyond… And of course always available to guide you through all of this.
I wish you all a most powerful New Year for Blue Lunar Storm, and may we trust the change and cut away all that is not real in our lives, to be unburdened by the unnecessary as we prepare for CHANGE.
Many blessings
In lak’ech
Vasumi, Kin 71, Blue Rhythmic Monkey
what time is this p[leae in fnq <3
There are a few events mentioned, so to find times go to http://www.timeanddate.com blessings