This year of Blue Lunar Storm, anchors our capacity to reflect the truth, by being willing to trust the transformation of energy that accompanies realignment… Strong physical energy catalyses change as we play with the edges of previous boundaries to reveal their illusory nature, bringing a sense of elementary magic to the fore… This may reflect in physical storms that bring clear energy to reflect that sparkly effervesent magic that follows a mighty purge…

What Supports Us This Year?

In the beginning of the year, post Magnetic Moon 1 (on 13 Moon Calendar, July 26, on Pope Gregory XXIII’s calendar), we are supported by Yellow Lunar Sun. We may feel the Light beckoning us forward, it may be our ancestors who are in the light calling us to allow the transformation that must come… The deep wisdom that travels through our Grandfather Sun ignites the world this pre-dawn with strong sparks that may influence this year in very dimensionally bending ways, should we choose to allow this… This light will stabilise us for this transformational year…

Guided by child-like inner-sense

What Guides Us?

We are guided by Blue Lunar Monkey, to play with the edges of our physical reality to test the connectivity of all things, to understand how this web of love works… Be as the child wide-eyed in wonder, exploring your imagination, if you can imagine it, it can be done… Play with the elemental realms, the only clue is to be at one with them, and work in alignment with what is the best for all of life…

What Challenges us to Strengthen?

The challenge that strengthens this year is Red Lunar Moon, to feel the purity of the water,  we may feel to swim and be immersed in water, to nurture and take care of our bodies as we become strengthened to anchor beauty and harmony from the inside out… Purifying our bodies, in order to allow harmonic frequencies to flow through us. Stabilising harmony in our lives through drinking good water, and eating nourishing pure foods… And when this is not possible, we will learn how to transform physical matter into purity. This is the challenge that will strengthen us, the power we hold will be tested and we can rise. Let go the victim and become the source of light that you are and learn to trust that you can transform physical cells with light.

What is the Hidden Gift of the Year?

The hidden gift of this year, White Crystal Wind, gathering in common-unity with others. With open unbiased communication, trusting and making light of all that is in a state of change around us, as we allow spirit to communicate through us… Singing and dancing the creative spirit of the monkey dolphin child… To play together as joys pure channel…

So blessed be beloveds may the Storm, Sun, Wind, and Water nourish us this year, as we collectively learn to become catalysts of change, allowing deep transformation, as all that needs to shift and is unnecessary in our physical realities is released. Allowing ourselves to be the phoenix rising from the ashes of change… Blue Lunar Storm it is the Time of Change.


Click here to link to ‘Its About TIME’ a spoken word Peace inspired by the times we are in…

4 Responses

  1. Thanks Vasumi …i was wondering why i was dealing with such immense surges of energy today …..A ho ! …kim …Its my birthday again 🙂

    1. yay so happy you appreciate this Nichole, and also that you are in the same year as the Earth is, the collective evolution is reflected in you… The collective goes through it and then you go through to evolve it further again… and it seems each year this is what happens for you… very cool…

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