Let me explain the system… It is a system of codes that form a matrix, THE Harmonic Matrix in fact that underlies and overlays all of life…

It is even infused throughout the disharmonic man-made matrix, which we like to call 12:60 due to the codes of the clock and our enslavement to money… 12 hours in which to earn ones bread… 60 minutes of the tic toc, tic toc clock… to clock in, clock out in the wastelands of the slave race of those too stretched to even imagine a life without the stress of the tic toc rat race…

I digress, now back to this harmonic system, the Harmonic Matrix of the Mayan Calendars, where free will choice becomes a creative act on these blank canvases called our lives…

So natural harmonic time is built of 20 archetypes or Universal Truths multiplied by 13 actions, or the ways the archetypes express themselves…

This 13 x 20 is 260 days evolving from conception of an idea or bubba to birth of the same…

It is upon this matrix that all posts on this site are woven, with 13 of the 20 Universal Truths woven with the natural order of the 1-13 of each wavespell…

Blessed be!

6 Responses

  1. …. 20 archetypes or Universal Truths multiplied by 13 actions, or the ways the archetypes express themselves…
    This is a great description … I will be appropriating it. Well done sister!

  2. Conscious expression of the art of action, Aotearoa New Zealand, no accident that A-Z Alpha Omega, too many coincidences (synchronicity) in my conscious reality that has brought me here to the BNG Blessed and Grateful, as the closest to the rising sun first to be collectively brought into BNG in the now, read the science of a Gregorian brain but eat the Tapu of allowing your brains neural, habitually used gouged-out pathways, that imprison your imagination confiding it to the irregularcollective process, eat the TAPU ,A to Zedders Alpha Omega come home leaders of the world of love peace and harmony through a Government Calendar change, bringing the 2 roads of heart and brain conscious and UN-concious. We as Universal children with a Universal connection are entitled to at least 1 orbit following 13.20 so our collective imagination can experience the truth of the wonder of knowing what day it is, i am another yourself bng in the now

  3. Hello lovely beings. I was wondering if any generous soul would have a coffee with me in Melbourne and explain the correlations with all of this. I have many questions and no one to chat with about it. Although I am slowly grasping this, I get more questions than answers and find myself overwhelmed and frustrated. Thank you all for your understanding. Blessings.

    1. Hi Kate… i am not in Melbourne, but happy to share with you via Skype… We could just have a chat and then you could see if you want to dive deeper into a session where we look to how it all affects you personally… let me know how this feels… you can email me..

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