INITIATION Festival, Australia, NYE
White Overtone Wizard to White Solar Mirror in the White Dog Wavespell
(28 Dec 2024 – 1 Jan 2025)
Such an epic adventure to be sharing the codes at Initiation Festival this Gregorian NYE, around 2 hours West of the Gold Coast Hinterland. This years Initiation (this is the 3rd Initiation Festival) is dedicated to the creativity, exploration and activation of the Mayan Dreamspell Codes. All that attend will have the opportunity to ‘decode’ themCell-ves. In other words, to unravel from the ‘power-over paradigm’ and view themselves from a Natural Time perspective. The perspective that all of life lives by, bar humans, who are following a crooked time, with a crooked mind, dictated by a crooked calendar!
The opportunity at Initiation will be to have a taste of the world we want to live in, one that is coded by natural synchronicity and all of us KIN-nected, as one great family, each being a unique spark of life, with unique roles, that all together create a magical network of enhanced high-vibration life, as we choose to release the garb of a ‘power-over world’ gone wrong, and step into the PURE magic of the imaginal realm or dreamtime, to live our potential and be sung up for your unique part to play.
In this writing we will be looking at the days we will be gathering and what they promise us. These are very potent days, as they are a fractal of the 13-year Divine Feminine White cycle we are experiencing collectively on Planet Earth (and off planet), since July 26, 2019 to 25 July 2032. This is the cycle of the Feminine Initiation, receptivity and the shamanic dive into the collective darkness, to address the trauma, that we need to feel in order to heal, to return to LOVE. The key for the healing is not to attach to the ‘story’, just feel and release and allow the energy to return to KINnection, re-membering ourselves as LOVE. The last time this cycle occurred was 1967-1979, and the wonder of that beautiful time of deep r-Evolution. So here we are again!
We will be gathering in the 5th to 9th days of the White Dog Wavespell (13-day cycle), which is potent as a fractal of the 5th to 9th years of the White Wizard Wavespell, which we are collectively experiencing and currently in the 6th year. Each year in the 13 Moon Calendar, the natural time calendar we choose to follow, begins on July 26th, with Sirius heralding the rise of the Sun on the Eastern Horizon. This year, since July 26, with Blue Rhythmic Storm, heralded a year of organising for change, catalysing physical shift, equalising the playing ground of corporate amnesia, in favour of greater equality for all, and we are in the midst of organising this collectively, in a planetary way!
So Dec 28, our first day of gathering together, is the 5th day of the White Dog Wavespell, White Overtone Wizard, and is a fractal of last year’s learning (the 13 Moon year beginning July 26, 2023 to July 25, 2024). That learning was the collective power of compassion, radiating the knowing that we are all in this together, that those in trauma, are also us, KINnected. A collective comprehension that we are all woven, giving rise to this years desire to organise for change collectively. So what that may spell for us on the first day of the gathering, is a recognition that we are all KIN-nected, in the great weave of LOVE. The Dog Wavespell, is all about re-weaving or re-membering what has been separated. Separation is the great tool of the power-over matrix, KIN-nection is the great tool of the matrix of harmony, the world most of us want to live in, the world of LOVE. So on the first day of the festival, settle in, create your home base, your camp, your grounding place and KIN-nect with the Earth and those custodians of the land for eternity, the Original people, give your respect, your love and recognise in your own way the blessings that we are receiving to be on the land, together. This day works on the Spiritual plane and is great to honour the spiritual power or MANA of the Originals, bringing healing to what has been in the past, with deep receptivity to any healing that may need to be felt. And then come to the Opening Ceremony to begin our journey together.
The 2nd day, the 29th, will be the 6th day of the White Dog Wavespell, and will be a fractal of the year we are collectively in on the planet. It will be Blue Rhythmic Eagle, organising the physical plane for balance and equality through honouring winged ones, and the capacity to see the bigger picture. As you get your bearings on this day, you will get the overview of the camp and festival and like the Eagle, fly around to feel a sense of the bigger picture and place within it. Where does your uniqueness feels the most aligned in your body for balance? And don’t be attached, this can continually change, as you find your wings.
The 3rd day of Initiation, the 30th, will be the 7th day of the White Dog Wavespell, and is a day dedicated to the sense plane, the Yellow Resonant Warrior, a day of being INspired by feeling the beauty and creativity you will find, and how you add your touch to that, with costume and inspired feelings, having a quest-i-on for greater beauty, harmony and creativity may fill you today. To fearlessly follow your INspiration and be Inspired!!! Such a resonance with beauty on this day, a fearless intelligence in creating even more beauty with your uniqueness. Tune in to your feelings and how they rise and become resonant and INspired!!!
The 4th day, the 31st, is Red Galactic Earth, the 8th day of the White Dog Wavespell. A day of integration by listening to the timing, the beat of the patterns and how they have evolved from the past, paying attention to any resistance to the evolution of those patterns to birth the new, and moving forward with a keen focus on navigating synchronicity that reveals your path in the day. Listening to where you are drawn to, the signs that show you are in the right place and the right time, walking the talk of being LOVE and COMPASSION through listening for right timing, right up until the moment that clock strikes!
The 5th and final day, Jan 1, New Years day in the discordant colonising calendar of Gregory 13th of Rome, is White Solar Mirror, where the mirror is cleared for seeing truth, cutting through the distortions, for obliterating any lies that we are not KINnected. On this day, the stage is set for the free-quen-see of the coming Gregorian calendar year, where we will be using the sword or clarity to cut away the lies of separation, to realise the truth that we truly are, in all our incredible anarchic uniqueness, cosmically KINnected, and all ONE.
Blessed be dear heARTS, and may we find each other in the deep blesSINGS of this incredible gathering and recognise each other by our heARTS yearning for creative and sovereign ONENESS, the true and highest blessing of what it is to be human, to recognise our collective heART!!!
Afterword: Vasumi will be sharing deeper wisdom for you to inner-stand your unique part in the play through her workshops. She will be sharing 2 workshops, each one unique and a deep dive into different aspects of your unique coding, or Galactic Signature, or contract for your puzzle piece in this time on the planet. As a Blue Rhythmic Monkey, Vasumi loves nothing better than organising the physical plane to play with magic that bridges the worlds, from the old to the new, a true Pied Piper…
Also keep a look out for Kaedyn, who will be sharing a workshop on how we work with the Dreamspell as a foundation for the New Time, as a tool for new governance, based on all the most beautiful aspects of what we would expect to see in those we choose as leaders in service to humanity. The Dreamspell is gaining momentum in NZ, as a foundational tool for the world we will be co-creating based in Love and empowerment of all, the new governance. Come to explore this with Kaedyn in his workshop, a Yellow Crystal Warrior, he will share his intelligence and passion and how this is happening just over the ditch in common-unity, in Aotearoa. He brings hope for our future.
IN JOY THE FESTIVAL and see you there.