Welcome to the Womb of Creation. For the past 2 Castles (a castle is 4 x 13-day Wavespells) from Kin 1 to Kin 104, a group of women have been tracking the daily Kin together. We have been sharing experiences, creating art, receiving teachings and diving into what each Kin feels like in our own experience.
This is the feminine path of exploring the Kin energies. The feminine path is to feel and receive the codes in our bodies and emotions. The masculine is the structure and understanding how the Tzolkin is structured. That is why the Tzolkin is a whole system, there is equal emphasis on both the feminine and masculine. This is such a deep dive to explore with a circle of women, right now. This will be opened to the men at a later date, but first this is for empowering women. And then it will be such a pleasure to invite the men into the container in the perfect timing.
Womb of Creation uses a software that allows a depth of sharing. We gather once at the beginning of the Castle (recorded), for the Initiation call. We then also gather at the end of each Wavespell, to share experiences, meditate, move and allow the energies to flow through us collectively.
So if this activates you, and you would like to explore with us, please contact us through the website. We will get back to you shortly to let you know the initiation process.
The next Blue Castle begins in a few days, so please join us, if you are feeling this.
In lak’ech
Vasumi, Simone and Stephanie on behalf of the Womb of Creation
oh yes! I would love to track the codes!!!