Planetary Kin, today our kundalini bubbles up from the Earth base, inspiring instinctive action that occurs in perfect timing, allowing us to play our parts in the transformation of our-cell-ves with Mother Gaia…

We are supported today by White Resonant Wizard, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Star… Inspired by a deep receptivity to many worlds as we allow more and more expanded levels of harmony to be felt and resonated with, allowing the crossing of bridges and the channeling of messages across space, that come to anchor deeply and assist this great transformation…

The challenge that strengthens today is Blue Resonant Eagle, guided by the Hand, in the wavespell of the Moon… Inspired by the creative mind, to feel what can be accomplished by moving with heightened sensitivity with the pure flow of consciousness… This creative visioning coming as we open our resonance to the bigger picture of all that must be cleansed in order to allow consciousness to flow unhindered…

The hidden gift of our day today is Yellow Resonant Warrior, guided by the Star, in the wavespell of the Dog… Staying with the creative inspiration that reveals our connectivity to all with unconditional love… Every action based on the harmonic intelligence of knowing that all is connected in Universal Love, and allowing that to be the base resonance for every action, serving to inspire all to know its place in the womb of Unconditional Love…

So beloveds resonate and channel from the deepest place in the Earth, in order to allow that vital force to travel from the root to the crown, to abide deeply in the intelligence of the heart that feels its connection to the fabric of all of life…


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