Hola beloved kin…

So I have been off the net for the last 5 days and no posts have there been… For those that are following the harmonic order, it is always possible to go to www.lawoftime.org to track the days… or if you want to download TimeSurfer… this reveals the days plus the small galactic poem to go with each day….

So today wisdom pulses through us as Solar intelligence… We realise that the Sun holds the light and that the light holds the intelligence, and so we set the intention to allow our-cell-ves to be pulsed by Source consciousness to realise our connection with the ancestral light that has influenced all throughout time that chose to allow this simple profound wisdom to enlighten our souls…

We are supported today by Blue Solar Storm, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Monkey… Realising the change that is guided by our capacity to see the bigger picture, and allow ourselves to extend the boundaries of what is, in order embrace the more of what is, to extend beyond what is seen with the physical eye, to embrace that which pulses the third eye, the pineal gland…

The challenge that strengthens today is White Solar Dog, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Wind… Realising that surrendering to the heart pulse is the way that Spirit will inform us… The messages that are pulsed into the heart with the oxygen that holds the pure consciousness of Spirits intention…

Todays hidden gift is Red Overtone Dragon, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Earth… Guided by the pure blood that flows and responds to Earths cycles and timing, we empower our-cell-ves to bEarth anew the radiant flow of Mother Gaias command… Empowering ourselves to take command of the responsibility for purifying our Mother Gaia and her waters…

So blessed be dear hearts and may the light that shines you energise your fearless stand for Mother Gaia and the synchronic order of the New Time…


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