Good Morning Planetary Kin…

A day of hidden beginnings… To initiate the freeing up of magic, to care enough to liberate the elemental joy of the Great Mother, the pure essence of our innocent capacity to play with the unseen… Today we are liberated by taking responsibility for all that may be held in our emotional bodies that needs releasing…. A great day to look to what is held emotionally that would hamper our magic, to release fears held for the last few thousand years around practising magic… Now is the time to truly be in touch with the hidden treasures the Dragon cares for, all that has been masked in the cave, must now be shared, in order to prepare for the Great Awakening, of this Black Water Dragon year…

Todays support energy is White Spectral Mirror, in the wavespell of the Star… To liberate the path to our home in the stars, revealing the perfect order of the stairway to heaven, and its endless unimetric track is travelled to reveal our star ancestries… To begin to intuit the sound that Mother Earth emits as a trajectory to our flight amongst the Stars, to call to the arc-angels to guide our way…

The challenge that strengthens today is Blue Spectral Monkey, in the Dragon wavespell… Freeing up our response-abilities, so that all nurturing has built a level of trust that allows us to be free to push the boundaries and uncover the true magic, that that is needed to work with the unseen forces… I dedicate today to Cuernonnos, the gentle masculine, as he finds his way to the surface, after so long hidden in the caves…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Electric Sun, guided by the Seed, in the wavespell of the Mirror… Here we activate the stairway to heaven, by shining independently with our capacity to co-create the highest potential of light… Enlightening our energy by allowing levity to vibrate and quicken our senses as we focus towards the Sun, re-membering how we once vibrated our cell-ves at such a fast rate that our density could transform into pure light and we could travel along the Uni-metric pathways to the stars…

So beloveds todays trance-mission is fairly cosmic and within this we live our earthly lives… a good day to care for self, to nurture and release, so that we may en-lighten our beings… Blessed be the Great Mother and the Great Father and their capacities to care for the children by helping them to be magical!!!


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