Hello Beautiful People…
So for the first 8 days of this Dog Wavespell… I have been with family in a place where the internet is sporadic, and so have not been able to keep up to date.. So for now am just giving a download on the wavespell of the Dog…
So this cycle we look to love, loyalty and heart… As it is the Dog Wavespell and the Dog began the cycle on the Magnetic tone which operates primarily on the spiritual plane… This love is of an unconditional nature, so our learnings in this cycle are all about the conditions we place on our love… We are also learning about our place in the grid of connectivity, with love being the fluid that connects us all in the patterns of Time…
Today is day 8 where the above is integrated through our capacity to respond to the synchronicities in our life, to respond and allow the caring for others in the right timing… The capacity to be aware of the timing of sharing our love, so that it can be received in the best way that we would like it to be received…
We are supported in this today by White Galactic Wind, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Eagle… To allow the space for spirits messages to be the glue that bridges the gaps between us… Allowing the communication to assist the greater vision that we are here, of connectivity from a space thats primary concern is non-attachment, yet being where we are guided to be…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Galactic Hand, guided by the Monkey, in the wavespell of the Sun… To integrate our sovereignty thru trusting the knowledge is available to us to independently shine our magic…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow Rhythmic Seed, self guided, in the wavespell of the Storm… To find balance within the storms of change by co-creating the gardens, organising our physical reality to nourish us with the growth of the new – new seeds, New Time!!!
So beloveds, for the next days I may not be able to get to the internet again, so enjoy the realisation, manifestation, freedom, co-operation and presence of unconditional love in your lives…
Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be…