
‘I am writing to praise the reading I had with Vasumi Zjikaa and to encourage everyone to book in with her! This woman has an incredible gift. She is so deeply connected to her work with the Mayan Calendar and her inspiration is contageous. I came to her when I was feeling depressed and confused. Fierce and impatient and not like myself. Her interpretations and explanations of the cycles beginning and ending in my life were uncanny. She helped me to let go of rejecting darker aspects of myself and to fully embrace all the new energies weaving through me. Gaining the understanding that I had just ended a 13 year cycle of child energy and began a new cycle of warrior energy, was so liberating. To let myself grow and change and to let go of trying to control what I was feeling. It was truly a moving and illuminating experience. I was either laughing or crying the entire time. The clarity and transparency in her messages were the catalyst for major change in all areas of my life and I am so grateful. I have listened to this reading several times since our meeting a couple of months ago, and I see more and more as time passes what a powerful guide this system is.

Vasumi is deeply intuitive and compassionate, as well as grounded and unpretentious (something I value greatly). She is a master of her craft and her authenticity and integrity shines through her work. I am honored to have been supported by her and I want to share her with all of you! I encourage everyone to receive a reading from her as another beautiful way to harmonize with your own sacred rhythms. Love and Blessings’

Meredith Shippam

“Vasumi is a brightly shining, multi-faceted and wisdom-packed force of nature! She bridges her depth of knowledge with an unusual lightness of being. If you’ve been called to knock on her door for insight and guidance, you won’t regret it. With generosity, humor and grace, she’ll shower you with fascinating information about who you are, why you’re here, and how you can most authentically walk your path. Her understanding of the Tzolkin and Dreamspell Mayan Calendar is vast and wide, reflecting years (likely lifetimes!) of impassioned learning and life experience. My Reading with Vasumi opened a door to a whole new world for me, one that I look forward to enthusiastically exploring in the years to come.

Thank you, Vasumi!”

— Rosy Aronson, PhD

Having looked for things to do in the area that were eco-friendly and affordable i came across Vasumi and connected. There was an instant warmth when I met her in the hills of the Marahau valley alongside the river. I had no idea of what to expect but the doors were opened to a whole new understanding of the inner me. I realized I needed to listen more to my inherent inner voice that has guided me throughout my life to make good choices. I haven’t always listened but this experience has taught me that this voice knows far more than we give credit for. I also have a clearer understanding of some things I questioned throughout my life but by the lessons taught, could see how it all makes sense. I know from this first visit that new beginnings and friendships are brewing together with Vasumi which I am excited about. Watch this space. If nothing else I recommend Vasumi for a very interesting, relaxing and insightful session and to top it off an all natural swim to cleanse and finish!
 – Terri Everett
Vasumi appeared magically on important crossroads in my life and helped me find new choices, by allowing me to experience my own divine being, within the realm of the Mayan DreamSpell Calendar. In fact, all sessions with her have been quite life-changing and deeply meaningful for me. Vasumi’s ability to transcend the matrix of our conditioned reality is incredibly unique. The tools she’s been given let her peek crystal clear into the field of mind-made structures and rigidness, to evolve into the harmonious nature of the Mayan count of days. While she carries a deep soft compassion and understanding for the human You-niverse, she also possesses a rare power to channel information, necessary for her clients to evolve from their currents states of consciousness. Her gentle loving support and thoughtful advice made me step up onto a path of self-transformation and self-responsibility. With the impeccable wisdom of an elder she is able to transform anything in the tangible and intangible realms of our existence. She bridges the world of spirit and the world of mind in a powerful dance and transmutes the stories she sees fiercely, to make way for pure light to come through. I am grateful beyond words to know Vasumi as part of my soul family in this world.’
– Juliane Wothe

“Thank you so much for an amazing 2 hours and for an incredible journey!!”

– Love, Eleanor 

‘I highly recommend Vasumi as an incredibly intuitive and knowledgeable astrological guide. Her Mayan Tzolkin reading made so much sense of my experience of life, of my gifts and my challenges and offered a lot of clarification about how to work with them and walk my path. It was deeply helpful for me.

Her western astrological reading shone lights on different perspectives and was equally helpful and inspiring. She covered aspects that i had not heard from other astrologers before. She embodies the wise woman so beautifully and its a pleasure to be in her deeply loving and inspiring presence! Thank you Vasumi!’

Chloe – Yoga Teacher and Spiritual Healer

‘I would like to recommend working with Vasumi Zjikaa’s work. I found the reading very clear and positive. Very helpful for bringing ourselves to see ourselves, thank you Vasumi for this precious gift to all of us…’         

Sean West – Spiritual Teacher and bodyworker extraordinaire, Pisac, Peru

‘The reading you shared with me forever shifted me. There are a few things that come in and everything shifts, and there is not a day that goes by that I am not informed by the consciousness, the awareness , that way of seeing and being that you initiated me into. I walk the planet and feel with more … more eyes, more consciousness … it blew the top of my head off.’

Lor Fjerkenstad 

“Vasumi is a beautiful being. From her piercing eyes full of love and passion to her compassionate and warming hugs — meeting her and getting my Mayan reading was such an expansive and awesome experience. We got right to the point, learning about my purpose on this planet, my foundational vibration I was born with, and where I am at right now on my path. Her transmission was so clear! I wept as she saw me, the true and authentic woman I was born as and get to experience in this lifetime. I am so grateful for the time she spent with me so that I can understand and navigate through this glorious life with ease and grace. She also gave me the tools to help others discover and learn about their Mayan Symbology. I am so, so grateful. I recommend meeting with Vasumi if you are interested in learning more about yourself and how you can help the planet achieve the highest vibration of harmony again.”

– Hannah Marie

‘When I first heard of Mayan Dreamspell with Vasumi, I had no real idea of what it was about. All I knew was that my soul knew and was guiding me to get a session. During the session, I didn’t always understand everything, but I knew it didn’t matter because my soul understood it perfectly. It felt like layers upon layers of conditionings and things that were not my truth were being swept away.

I went home that afternoon and took a 2 hour nap (something I rarely do) and slept like a rock that night – proof to me that my Being was integrating and digesting the session and recalibrating to this new energy, to this “remembering”.

Vasumi also has such a magical way of channeling this ancient wisdom. She embodies this truth in such a genuine and pure way and she is such a great mirror to help us remember and reflect back this truth.

I loved her and her sessions so much that I asked her to offer them in my 7-Day Sacred Juice Cleanse Retreats in Pisac, Peru. All our participants who got a session from her absolutely loved her and the information that came through for them. It seemed to enhance and raise the trajectory of their cleanse to a higher, more aligned frequency.

I highly recommend Vasumi and her magical work with Mayan Dreamspell!’

Denise Cooper

‘Vasumi has this huge heart full of love, profound wisdom beyond an earthly realm and a joy from within that shines through her eyes and can be seen in her smile, with an energy that super exceeds her size……. My session with her took me to all dimensions of my being and beyond…… The channelling that came through to shed light on my inquiry was unlike anything I’ve experienced. The wisdom of the Wavespell is so accurate to the degree… Thank you thank you thank you Vasumi for sharing your light and gift!!!!’

– Jo-Dea Schive

‘Thankyou Vasumi for the Mayan Signature and Astrological reading, it was most enlightening. It helped me to realize where I am on my journey and which direction to pursue. It answered a lot of questions about why events were happening in my life and explained why I thought I was blocked. I now know that I haven’t been blocked, just experiencing the Mayan calendar astrological cycles, this gives a completly different perspective and encouragement to go forward. I was also given practical suggestions to acheive what I came here to do.

Helen O’Keefe

There are no words to express Vasumi’s wisdom, passion, excitement, and wealth of experience. Our encounter might have been by “chance” but in reality she has become one of the only few mentors in my life that I trust, respect and who actually understands everything happening within me, my ever evolving life. I deeply value her readings because it allows me to focus, to understand the change happening from within, and puts me on the right path to taking the right kind of action. Vasumi creates a safe place to openly express anything. I thoroughly love that she inspires me through suggestions and tips. I am looking forward to continuing my journey in life with Vasumi by my side.’  

 Sumera Ahsan Sheikh

Thank you for your kind words and eternal wisdom. It had cleared so many perspectives that I felt a deep peace towards my being. That all will be ok. All is alright. You have an in-depth knowledge of something “lost” in this modern world, but it is so profound and individual that is cuts through the homogenization of the internet and equality. I love you for that and your openness and dedication. ! 

 –  Krasen Tomov

‘The most accurate and fascinating system that I have ever encountered, and that says something coming from a sceptic like myself. It gave me a new appreciation and awareness of each moment as it happens. I would say I am now less blinkered by the past or worried by the future.’       

Rory M

‘Thank you, Vasumi, for your amazing work. Not only did you describe accurately who I am in the present, you presented a clear picture of my soul’s purpose and gave me the utmost confidence that what I feel is unfolding in my life, is real and in-tune with the evolution of the planet. I walked away enlightened and lightened by your words and your loving presence.’        

Wendy Crumpler

‘Ever since my  session with Vasumi, I have been able to understand myself on new and deeper levels. This helped me understand and shift old beliefs and patterns that where holding me back. It was a real awakening.’                  
James Yong