Good Morning Planetary Kin…

Here we are bEarthing the new Tzolkin spin… Day 1 of the Red Dragon wavespell, the cycle of nurturing and caring, taking on our ability to respond to the moment, initiating our caring for the responsibilities that are ours, revealed to us through our moment to moment responses to life…

White Magnetic Mirror is the support for today, where we are able to reflect upon the truth of any given moment, looking to the true lore of what is right on this planet, and what is out of balance, this supports us to see where our responsiblities lie… If you see it, it is yours…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Magnetic Monkey… To attract the joy of trusting ourselves to push the boundaries of all that does not feel real, pushing through the illusions, to reach for the greater reality…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Cosmic Sun, guided by the Seed, in the Star wavespell…. To hold the presence of our highest potential as light beings, aligned in the harmonic fabric of consciousness…

So beloveds enjoy this day as we attract what is ours to care for over this next 13 days… Respond to your sense of truth and alignment and then trust yourself to pierce the illusions of the unreal to head for our highest potentials as pure light…

May this next 13 days hold the fire of bEarthing the New Earth together, in this year of focusing strongly on the highest potentials of the New Time we are co-creating…



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