Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So today is the 11th day of the Dragon wavespell, and is the kin day that Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan was born… I share immense gratitude for him and the work he has shared in bringing this divine harmonic matrix to the world…

So today we release all our cares and responsibilities for birthing the new, by simply trusting that the work is done, and immersing in the joy of magical creation, enjoying the patterns that have been revealed and pushing the boundaries in playful anticipation that all will be good with the world, as long as we follow our joy and inner-sense…

Today is supported by Yellow Spectral Star, self guided, in the Mirror wavespell… Again here we free up our search for alignment and simply release into the beauty of our creativity and the harmony of the natural reality… As all energy is now aligned and we are free to liberate a light hearted creativity with nature…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Spectral Dragon, self guided, in the Monkey wavespell… To liberate ourselves to come to the immediacy of the moment in the birthing of our capacity to trust in the magic of life…

Todays hidden gift is White Electric Dog, guided by the Wizard, in the Star wavespell… To activate our bonds with others, in order to serve the creation of beauty and harmony in love… Anchoring our relationships with those we love to play with…

So beloveds enjoy this blessed day in honour of Valum Votan and his blessed journey in the stars…


One Response

  1. Dearest Vasumi, thank you for reminding us that today is Valum Votan’s birthday kin. How wonderful to remember today his love and the magic and the blessings he has given to us. Blessed be Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan and all beings. Waves of love to all beings, Jataalia

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